hello everyone!

Man I can't even remember when I came here, but I didn't make a big "hello" post. I just kinda started hangin around. And Dado, you should change your title, everyone thinks your banned :grin:
it took me a little while to find this forum, and before i opened it up i kinda had this naive idea that perhaps i was the only huge SyX fanatic in the world..till i saw the forum and went HOOOOLY SHIT!!! theres quite a few SyX fanatics!!

But I remember Yngster and Shreddi greeted me kindly which was so cool i thought.
SilentRealm said:
it took me a little while to find this forum, and before i opened it up i kinda had this naive idea that perhaps i was the only huge SyX fanatic in the world..till i saw the forum and went HOOOOLY SHIT!!! theres quite a few SyX fanatics!!

But I remember Yngster and Shreddi greeted me kindly which was so cool i thought.

Yeah that's what usually happens when guys see a beautiful woman :grin:

I found this forum out thanks to the SX website which had a direct link to this place, the the musicians forum is also a great lil place to get some pointers for us up and coming players. Now if the band would just write every now and then... Maybe Jaxx can talk em into it.
lol, dado!

I first came here when the whole George bush flame war was about. It made me think "what a bunvh of dicks, i'm not posting here..." Then it cleard up a week later and i was in!