Hello from a new Fan


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2004
Brisbane , Australia
G'day, I recently bought "Tears of Mortal Solitude" on a semi-impulse buy while browsing the record store, because I'd heard it being mentioned a few times around the net as a good album to pick up.

I was surprised.

Firstly, because a album from a Russian underground doom band had made it to Australia, secondly because this album is unbelievably good. Each track is completely exceptional, and this sort of album is something I have been searching for ever since I started listening to Doom Metal. I just want to say, well done guys for making such a brilliant album, and I'll be one of the first to buy the new album.

Hopefully, also, I can convince some of my friends to purchase this album as well. Doom Metal is almost unheard of here in Australia.
Good to gear you liked it man! Thanks for promouting us in Australia, it defenitely helps people to know what's going on with metal in Russia as well as just trivial exchange of our cultures. Thanks for the kind words and see ya in Australia some time. Why the hell not?:)))
These threads always bring me hope, because it goes to show that bands can still make greatly appreciated music without having a fucking producer, nice studio, and real drummer. Kind of the same situation Im in, so it gives me lots of support to continue my music.
Well... sooner or later what you have just listed above will become unavoidable. You'll have to have a real drummer a good studio and a fucking producer, yet the last one is questionable :) But there is no way to grow as a band without these items...
So we have a real drummer now, we'r also gonna use a good studio... but the only thing , which stays unchanged is our striving to make music just because of music.... sorry if I disappointed you. but that's how it goes.
Maybe we'll become more famous with time and this forum is gonna be flooded, maybe we stay underground forever, I don't know... but we'll never forget our first friends like you!
Cheers! :)
This time I will, Ivan!! Be sure :) And it's BELGIUM beer:))
Sonm said:
Well... sooner or later what you have just listed above will become unavoidable. You'll have to have a real drummer a good studio and a fucking producer, yet the last one is questionable :) But there is no way to grow as a band without these items...
So we have a real drummer now, we'r also gonna use a good studio... but the only thing , which stays unchanged is our striving to make music just because of music.... sorry if I disappointed you. but that's how it goes.
Maybe we'll become more famous with time and this forum is gonna be flooded, maybe we stay underground forever, I don't know... but we'll never forget our first friends like you!
Cheers! :)

Yes, of course, I realize there can be no growth for a band with the same drum machine and un-changing production for every album, I just meant it really gives many people hope that you can make it at least this far without such prospects as a studio, drummer, and producer. Of course, I have a drummer, but he is still working on his double bass and speed in general, there will be a time very soon when his playing will be very suitable for the music I am writing, recording, and producing, and surely when a band gets atleast some recognition for their work like Forest Stream there is atleast reason and chance for growth, it's inevitably the next step to take, not only in your music, but how this music is born into this world, without progress we would all only listen to one album from each of our favorite bands because they would all just sound the same. It's kind of the way Leonardo Da Vinci (sp?) gave all the poor artists hope to try to accomplish their artistic dreams because he was poor himself (correct me if Im wrong, maybe it was Picasso?). This is kind of what Tears of Mortal Solitude has proven to be for a musician like me, hope you can understand the analogy.
Yes I totally agree with you. What you say is undeniable.