Hello from Australia


New Metal Member
Aug 22, 2011
Hi everyone,

I came across this site looking for Metal music production tips and found the Andy Sneap forum. Really looking forward to sharing some home brewed metal and learning a lot here. Hopefully I can give something back and provide some tips that I have picked up along the way.

I primarily play guitar, a little bass and write a lot of metal. Until very recently i had a band, Boundless.

Anyways, look forward to chatting to you all.

Welcome! I just joined too!
I'm not from Ausland but I did spend a year studying there and I had the best time. Saw 2 of my fav bands while I was there too - BFMV & Metallica.

I was recently introduced to Parkway Drive and I like their stuff. I wish I had discovered them before I left. Anyway, I hope to catch their show someday!