Hello, from Boston, MA (ish)!


New Metal Member
Oct 14, 2008
Posting this as my Red Sox are getting the crap pounded out of them by the Rays... ick.

My name's Chris, 16 years young, and I'm from a suburb of Boston, called Salem. I'm a huge fan of independent professional wrestling, and my favorites promotions are Ring of Honor, and CHIKARA. Just look at my signature and my avatar! :)

As for metal, I like... well, practically everything. Really. Black metal, death metal, thrash metal, nu-metal, metalcore, folk metal, power metal, I could go on. I don't limit my metal tastes at all. =D

I'm happy to be a member of the board, and I hope to stick around a while.
what up Pyro? I went to Berklee for 2 years and then Emerson for 2 years. I fucking love Boston. I'm into wrestling too. I went to Era of Honor Begins and have watched since. In Chicago we have a great indy called AAW. Tyler Black's the champ.
To Necromancy: I'm currently digging death metal and power metal. Total opposites, yes. Necrophagist, Vital Remains and Cannibal Corpse for the death side, and Firewind, Sonata Arctica and Heavenly for the power side.

To Drone1: I've heard of AAW, but I wasn't aware that Tyler Black was still champion.