Hello from Boston

cradle of bodom

New Metal Member
Feb 21, 2005
or somewhere around Boston specificly. Not a damn thing to do around here so im gonna drown my bordom in fourms for a while. I listen to all metal mostly Death and Black, favorite bands are Deicide,Emperor,Nile,Cannibal Corpse and theres others in there i just dont wanna type.

Anyway HI!
From the Windy City to Beantown, hi come on in! Ya want a beer? Keg's in the corner. 'Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids' is playing on the speakers, there's the volume knob. Dani's upstairs with the virgin vamps. Don't touch the black cat, it's got worms. We just keep it around for spells. Ya want blood? That keg's in the other corner, just don't put your lips directly on the nozzle. Use a cup - what were you born in a barn?! :kickass: