Hello from california...


Local Metal Head
Sep 24, 2009
Rocklin, CA
Hey, im Vhmetal, and im a metal-holic. ive been a metalhead since bodom entered my life. shortly followed by lamb of god.
Bodom got me into playing guitar. and ive been in the buissness ever since. i have been venturing into older metal and different genres so i can learn abuot metal as a whole. have an opinion on everything, while also having experience with listening to the music and not just talking crap about (example) nu-metal because i choose to.
i want to be able to be a walking metal encyclopedia.
so thats me.
Hey, I'm Rhiannon!
Rather bored so thought I'd reply..
Anyhoo, I have many favourite bands but if I had to narrow it down to just one favourite right now, I would go with Tool. They are amazing..
I also play the guitar, haven't been playing for too long but I have many years ahead of me to keep playing.. My guitar is one of the most important things in my life right now, and I am sure it always will be.

And I guess that's me.. Haha