Hello from India


New Metal Member
Feb 12, 2013
Hello guys, this is Anjan Sahu from India. Well, you dont get to see a lot of Indians in the global metal scene. But yeah, metal is thriving and growing here in India. We just need some support to get it going.

Here there are no record labels for metal, thus, we have to basically produce our own cds.

Anyways, I have always to be a part of the world metal scene, because I really like talking, discussing 'metal' with like minded guys. Unfortunately, here we dont have many metalheads, thus ultimatemetal.com.

My favourite bands are Iron Maiden (worship them _/\_ ), Big 4, priest, dio, sabbath, pantera etc.
Hope you guys really welcome me. ,\m/
Yeah, I never heard about Indian metal, but I think it'd be REALLY nice something like folk indian metal, since I like indian music, HAHAHA.

I've been in this forum since yesterday, so I don't know if I can welcome you properly... I mean, I'm also new. By the way, welcome. (: