Hello from South Florida.


New Metal Member
Jan 25, 2008
South Florida.
My name's Soleil...As the username suggests.
Aged 15 years.
Jamaican, but now living in South Florida.
I play the piano, but now I'm starting to play the keyboard a bit more. I wanna become a "shredder keyboardist" one day, haha.
I'm also an artist.

I've never really been into hip-hop or rap or reggae.
Since 4th-5th grade I've been listening to rock and/or metal.
It all started with Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith.
[My taste has changed quite a bit, now.]
And metal isn't all I'm limited to.
Classical, Techno, and some other genres are what I listen to.

I don't know, I think I'm pretty friendly, but reading over this I seem bland and monotone, lol.

Well, I have 3 IM services [yahoo, aim and msn/windows live], a VF account, a MySpace account and a deviantART account in case anyone ever wants to chat.