Hello, I"M BACK! Message to all my friends, from AugDawg!


F.U.2 Master
Feb 6, 2002
Hey everybody,

This is AugDawg, I've been too busy with work to stop by lately! Excuses, excuses I know! Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Anyhow, I was lucky enough to have Neil Turbin himself stop by my house during December, and what a cool guy he is! We talked about music, vocal styles, and what Neil plans on doing on his next album. Ofcourse, he plans on going heavy again, maybe even heavier! If you haven't picked up a copy of "Threatcon Delta", I would highly recommend that you do ASAP! It's a pure classic sounding Thrash metal album that kicks some serious ass! Tracks like "Truth is the best lie", "Cutt to the chase", "Blue Screen of death", and my personal favorite "Keep the fire" come to life with a great old school metal delivery. I didn't get a chance to thank him, so Neil if your reading this! Thanks again mang, stay metal, Ofcourse!

I've been very busy with music as well as the Demon Halo album is complete now except the cover. There will certainly be some MP3's available soon so I'll keep you posted. I've also been writting and recording songs for the third AugDawg album which will be titled "The 3rd day". More to come all you metalheads and music fans alike out there in cyberland, I'll be back soon!

