Hello Mr. WU

Wanted to let all the band members know how much I appreciate "Music of Mass Destruction", I was only able to pick it up recently and I think I've listened to it everyday for about 2 months now. Once again, great stuff and thanks for all the metal!

Mr. Wu said:
Thank you AugDawg.

Your welcome Mr. Wu, I hope to see you guys live again real soon and this time I promise not to drink so much........:loco: , so I can enjoy the set without the headache this time. I remember when John called on the crowd to scream just as loud and as long as they could at the beginning of "Refust 2 be denied", I remember thinking "Oh God, this is gonna hurt", but to my credit I screamed anyway and at the end of the scream I got really light headed but it actually made my headache go away alittle. Much to my surprise how much alike the "Music of Mass Destruction" was to the actually concert I saw live from the same tour. Great stuff!



P.S., Mr Wu? Any plans on coming through Salt Lake City again anytime soon?:headbang: