

New Metal Member
Aug 3, 2016
I am Jay.
I am from Ohio, land of the plains. haha.
I started listening to metal in my teens, probably 13-14. I'm 26 now.
My first album was Metallica: St. Anger.
My second was Fear Factory: Archetype.
I listen to all kinds of different metal, open to anything new.
Right now I REALLY am enjoying Ghost B.C.
I wanna see them live so bad, but sadly since I'm in Ohio, that'll probably never happen.
I just purchased their Opus Eponymous album on Vinyl, which is gonna be the start to my new collection / hobby. Meliora is gonna be the second one I purchase.

anyway, good evening / morning.
Welcome man. Ghost are an amazing breath of fresh air in the metal scene, one of the best newer bands I've run across by far.