English. English. English.


Curse You All Men...
Aug 14, 2002
Hello! My name is... who cares indeed, but the thread is gonna be dedicated to one of my weakness. That's English! Yes damn it I was learning it, speaking it, writing in it yet I need helluvabastard more coz I, hell me be, love the language. But(t)!!! There are some things, which c(u)an't be either taught or learnt... There's no other way to fucking sorb 'em but to use them as much as possible. And to pick 'em from those who DO SPEAK english from their childhood. I wonder guys how you actualLEE feel it in your head... 's like waking up and starting THINKING in english... You probably start with "fuck" anyway LOL, still that's undoubtedly surprising to me. I just c(u)an't imagine that sort of thingamajiga in your heads, whcih makes you speaking english, but it looks like I am taking a wrong way. What kind of point am I trying to make?! I almost forgot to be honest LOL... Okay, to cut the crap... What ajective do you use for describing laughter in case it's "silver", "sonorous", "clear", "soniferous", "resonant"? That's pain in the ass people... In 90% of cases my vocabulary is lavish with all kinds of assholicisms...
The recent advise it gave me for "The superconductor was sputtered on the top of ferromagnet" was
"A slayer was mumbling on the top of flayer" if I translate it back to english. I was speechless for half an hour and then was ROFL... So the question is about ajectives for laughter!! Thank you!
Describing laughter...hmmmm. Lemme give it a shot.

If something is funny it can be; hilarious, piss-funny, dead funny, a crack-up, a scream, a hoot, a laugh (duh), a riot, comical... thats all i can think of for now.

Did that help? I think that's what you were asking for.
Nope, what I mean is the laughter itself. Light laughter of a young girl, elvish laughter, laughter that sounds like a silver bell, what ajective should I use to describe that? Ringing laughter? Clear laughter? Resounding laughter? That's what my vocabs give, but somehow it feels wrong. Yes, what I need is an ajective for the laughter, which sounds like a silver bell.
angelic, cherubic? Doesn't that refer to angels? But it can be mellow too, can't it? I need to describe the sound of the laughter... like a tiny silver bell... flowery, dewy, laughter, which sounds like a tiny dew droplet quiver, like a secret of a diamond in a raw... warm crystall...
Damn, that would be so easy in russian... grrrrrr. Anybody seen Russell?
angelic - like or befitting an angel, esp. in virtue, beauty, etc.: angelic sweetness

cherubic - a beautiful or innocent person, esp. a child.
having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub; "an angelic smile"; "a cherubic face"; "looking so seraphic when he slept"; "a sweet disposition"

I'm looking at either of these as descriptive of a child's laugh. These terms both are analogous to innocence, which it seems like the quality in the laughter that you are going for.
You could say the laughter is 'Innocent', 'Mischievous', 'Quaint', 'Delicate', 'Perfect', 'Shimmering', 'Luminous'...these are the words that spring to mind when I read your descriptions.

Is this for a song? Just do it in russian!! We need more Forest Stream in the mother tounge! :)
Actually there will be a few things in Russian. LOL. Weird ones tho.
Jingling laughter?! THAT, my friend, sounds like the most promising thing... Yet it a bit odd to taste sounds "J" and the combination of "gl" before this soft and caressing "laughter". Thank you!:rock:
Hi my fine sir!!!! How are you these days? Didn't you have some time to offer your variant? But I am beginning to fear that it's going to be little late tho... Lyrics has been sent to the art-master ITB.
Hey Russell!!! Great to hear from you:))) But you have 'em:)) I've sent 'em long time ago! We have had a fruitful discussion and I am very thankful for your extraordinary help:)))) I've sent 'em to Lee as well, but he didn't reply tho... Must be drunk as usual, or failed to comprehend WHAT this russian maniac was trying to say LOL :))) Must be the second one. Can be also crying sitting in his arm-chair in front of the fire place reading these simple but very touching words from a simple russian boy, who puts on his valenky and zipun, gets a glass of vodka and walks together with his best friend bear through the winter forest to get some timber.
Oh yes, I remember those lyrics well! 2003 I think it was you sent them. Glad I could help... So when will we be able to hear the finished pieces, huh? :loco: I prefer to think the last, I'm sure Lee spends much of his time in an arm chair in front of his fire place crying at the thought of your Russian adventures. How could he not? While drinking vodka. AbsolutLEE.
Yes you did my fine sir! You did help a lot indeed! Although I've changed those lyrics a lot afterwards. :) I wonder if Lee's watching this thread... hmm... lemmesee... "fuck, cunt, bugger, strumpit"! ...??? Let's deal the number again... hello? Anybody home?!
Russell, you are in the hall of fame now by the way:) I hope you'll hear all those pieces soon... and see something too as well!!
I wonder how and why some people born into English still somehow end up speaking some alien language of slang and disturbingly absurd communication techniques. We are all scholars here, and in all honesty, I would not be able to tell that you are not of English descent.