Question for native Finns


Mar 9, 2004
So, seeing as many bands from Finland speak english, and write in english, I was curious as to just how common English is in Finland itself? Is it taught to everyone? Do most of the Finns speak english? If not, how can english speaking Finnish bands reach such fame in their own country? haha. Anyway...please take a minute to answer this random question.
Thanatopsis said:
So, seeing as many bands from Finland speak english, and write in english, I was curious as to just how common English is in Finland itself? Is it taught to everyone? Do most of the Finns speak english? If not, how can english speaking Finnish bands reach such fame in their own country? haha. Anyway...please take a minute to answer this random question.

It's taught to almost everyone, and most Finns speak excellent English. One reason for that is also that programs in Finnish tv (and movies) are subtitled, not dubbed. Only some kids stuff is dubbed.

I personally learned English through old Sierra adventure games (can you imagine the frustration when you know what to do but don't know what it is in English? :Smug: ), but then again I am a geek. :loco:
Yes, most EDUCATED and YOUNG finns do speak english. Alas, not the ones a foreigner usually gets in touch with; busdrivers, mailman, office ladies!, cashiers... believe me, talking out of experience ;)
Yeah, admittedly I ran into a few bus drivers who didn't speak too much of it. Anyone 30 and under I notice speaks pretty much perfect english, from 30-40 most seem to aslo...but the older they get the less english it seems they speak. But that seems to be the case with ANY country I visit, actually!

But there are indeed older folks who do speak it, and well too. Like, store clerks speak it regardless of age it seems, etc. Then again, maybe I ran into different store clerks than Zsu :p

Bartenders seem to speak decent English however :D And most every Finn apparently finds it cute to see the little drunk American try to speak Finnish :p
I don't know what stores were you into but the R KIOSKI's i visited had no english speaking cashiers whatsoever. In the bigger stores it's a different case of course.
Then again, it's just a matter or education I guess, since i ran into older ppl who spoke english, because their workfield demanded it, or have been abroad etcetc..
brightkelly said:
what's the official languages in finland? Swedish and finnish right?
Yeah. Lappish(?? Saame in Finnish) is also a "semi-official" language up in Lapland.

English has been an almost mandatory subject in Finnish schools for some time now, but not long enough apparently.. ;)
Yes both finnish and swedish are official languages. In finnish primary school you choose english or swedish (most choose english) to start in 5rd grade at the age of 11-12 and at the upper grades beginning with grade 7 you'll have to study both untill the end of primary school; grade 9 and the age of 16. After that most choose go to the "senior high school" (i'm not sure is that's the official name, lukio in finnish) or vocational school and as vocational schools base more on physical jobs it does not have that high level of teaching. I'd say atleast most of the youngsters who are/have been through senior high speak very good english. Yet i dont want to be generalizing too much, most of the english know i have learned in TV, movies and internet forums :) And what comes to swedish... i'm at senior high first grade and i cant speak shit swedish :P
Infernium said:
Yes both finnish and swedish are official languages. In finnish primary school you choose english or swedish (most choose english) to start in 5rd grade at the age of 11-12 and at the upper grades beginning with grade 7 you'll have to study both untill the end of primary school; grade 9 and the age of 16. After that most choose go to the "senior high school" (i'm not sure is that's the official name, lukio in finnish) or vocational school and as vocational schools base more on physical jobs it does not have that high level of teaching. I'd say atleast most of the youngsters who are/have been through senior high speak very good english. Yet i dont want to be generalizing too much, most of the english know i have learned in TV, movies and internet forums :) And what comes to swedish... i'm at senior high first grade and i cant speak shit swedish :P
I started learning russian in 3rd grade, swedish in 7th and english in 8th, so I've only studied english for 5 years. Even though I studied russian for 7 years I can't remember much of it, maybe 'cause I hardly ever used it, but it was probably a good choice anyways, 'cause learning english was extremely easy after a difficult language like russian.
But as far as I know swedish is still a mandatory subject and that's just wrong...
Strange . I've been learning english from the 3rd grade and swedish from the 5th grade. I also began to study german last year . I think the young can make it with english , it's much harder for the old , because when they were young , swedish and german were more important than english .