
:muahaha: Could it perhaps be at Skellefteå festivalen you are going??!! If you are - LETS BANG OUR HEADS AND SCREAM REAL HARD!!!! =)Just hope the rain goes to h....
:muahaha: I can tell You it was great!!! Wet as Hell!! Infact I've never been that wet in my whole life....=) I can't get my arms up today... I have no voice... So, YES it was a great show!!

The guys showed us what real stars are like!! You're the Best!

Cold - but I don't mind the rain....=) If I wasn't before - Forever Grey!
Yeah it was the skellefteå gig:)

I didn't feel that cold...maybe because of the banging?:rock:
It was just cozy with a "little" rain to cool our haeds down a little;)
I just felt sorry for the boys that the rain kept some people home:bah:
Yes! I agree with You! I don't really know how many we were there....=) I never looked backwards....

It was really cozy! But, when the show ended and I found myself alone infront of the stage, in a very very wet t-shirt....it Was Cold....=) Real fans don't mind a "little rain"... :rock:

It was a Great show! Wasn't it??!
We weren't that many...100-200 maybee.

I noticed that to, during the gig i never thought of how much it was raining, but afterwards I felt like i had swim with my clothes on:lol:
I was lucky that my camera didn't broke, it was almost more wet then I were:spin:

Oh yeah, the gig was awsome. Lets hope they'll come here another time!