
Hey constantine.

EC..I believe we have a drummer named HulkBlood? We just all need to get motivated and get some songs going. I think maybe we just need to stop being picky on what to do..and just pick something and nail it out. Perhaps something nice and easy....so its quick and will sound relatively ok....like..uh...oh hell..i dunno..somebody come up with something..
Eddies cellmate said:
Hi Constantine :cool:

WE NEED A DRUMMER..... BADLY!!!!! !:cry:

Like i said before.....but i'll say it again....please (ALL OF YOU) come up with at least one song you'd like to cover. From there everyone can compare and we can compromise. I'm at the point where I'd be happy with my recordings; I have 2 overheads, 2 bass mics and a snare mic...so i'm set. I'm not a mind reader either...I could cover a song myself and post the mp3, but i'm afraid it might collect dust. I'm not sure if everyone here's a big slayer or Iced Earth fan.

I've done this before, but i'll see if i can't get this thing rolling this time:
I'll post a few I wouldn't mind doing...and everyone do the same. This time, I'll give everyone a week....till the 26th of march...to agree on one or two. That will at least give this train some steam. Once that's out of the way, I figure 2-3 weeks for the recording of the final track. Maybe sooner, but 2-3 weeks is a safe amount of time.

So heres mine:

Metallica - Seek & Destroy
Iced Earth - Burning Times
Black Sabbath - Paranoid

...btw, i realize that most of you aren't very familiar with IE. That's why i posted burning times on my website. This is a pretty easy song to play (hey, i can play it on guitar) that really rocks. I highly recommend you check this out.


I'll look forward to hearing from everyone else again for songs/comments. Remember: One Week.
Hey Hulkblood01.

My skills have eroded to the point that Slayer would be way out of reach for me. I don't/can't practice nearly enough to keep up my playing ability.

Paranoid is do-able. If you post a track for it, I'll make sure to lay down some guitar to it.

Seek and Destroy is probably not out of reach for me. I used to play it all the time. The solo's are probably too fast for me these days though and I think he used a 24 fret guitar on them. Mine only has 22. I might be able to improvise something there though. Maybe UIO would be interested in it. From what I've heard of his playing, it sounds like he wouldn't have problems with the speed.

I wouldn't mind laying down some guitar for Flying high again by Ozzy if you're up to doing a drum track for that.

Gangland by Maiden would interest me too.

I'm sorry if I was one of the people that didn't post enough information for you to go on last time. I figured that U2 wouldn't be a popular choice so I didn't go into much detail.
Seems like things are slowly heating up:D:D

I would love to record a new song. Been a bit of time since playing and would love to warm up with a new song that I find pleasure in playing.

I have not figured out my computer problem, if you recall I could not record and listen to a track at the same time. I will download the track, burn on a cd and record that way.

Anything from the first 4 albums right now will do me fine and of coarse, any Rush song:headbang:

Lets get back into our groove.
Sounds good to me constantine and hyde. I could easily bang out paranoid in the next few weeks, and the same pretty much goes for seek. I guess those two shouldn't be bad.

I also brought up the Iced Earth song because i think jim or 7th son would like it....very good vocals on burning times. I recommend everyone listen to it and let me know what you think. I'd like to see what you guys think of 'em. You might like em yourself constantine.

I'm out for now...i'll give everyone else the opportunity to post what they'd be interested in before the 26th. After that, the absolute latest this thing should be done is the 16th of next month.
I can think of only one song right now that I could play (the bass) on, Electric Funeral by Sabbath. We talked about doing that ages ago but didn't get further than that with it.
OK, so for now the list of possible songs looks like this:

Metallica - Seek & Destroy
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Black Sabbath - Electric Funeral
Iron Maiden - Gangland
Ozzy - Flying High Again

...and constantine, i didn't get what you meant by 'first four albums'..:err:

Anyways, thats 5 songs. Remember guys, 4 more days to add to that list and narrow it down...and theres still a few i've yet to hear from. keep em comin'!
...thats what i figured.


but specific songs are what i'm lookin for. i also noticed you guys haven't covered 'run to the hills.'...isn't that a sin for a group of people who primarily cover maiden? :err:
HulkBlood01 said:
but specific songs are what i'm lookin for. i also noticed you guys haven't covered 'run to the hills.'...isn't that a sin for a group of people who primarily cover maiden?

Two things against run to the hills (though I perfectly understand you were just kidding around)..

1. It is by far the most popular one....and most hardcore maiden fans have other favorites....and its a bit boring to play...simply because it is the most popular one..etc..

2. It is probably the single hardest song to sing by Maiden. Off the top of my head, I cannot think of anything tougher on a singer. Even Bruce can't sing it like he did back then anymore.

Those are my reasons for not having suggested it to date. However, this is not to say that I would not volunteer my services if somebody else really wanted to do it.

My input on what I would like to record.

1. Losfer Words by Iron Maiden.
2. Master of Puppets by Metallica
3. Hot for Teacher by Van Halen (though any old VH will do)
4. Always with Me, Always with you by Satriani (mostly for my practice ;) )
5. BlackStar by Malmsteen (again, for my practice)
6. YYZ by Rush
7. Cult of Peronality by Living Colour
8. Over My Head by King's X
9. Reach Out by Adrian Smith (or Iron Maiden)
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2
11. Anything within reason by the Beatles

..thats just a few off the top of my head.

I listened to the Iced Earth tune. Not bad, I would be willing to learn it and give it a go.
rabies said:
Two things against run to the hills (though I perfectly understand you were just kidding around)..

1. It is by far the most popular one....and most hardcore maiden fans have other favorites....and its a bit boring to play...simply because it is the most popular one..etc..

2. It is probably the single hardest song to sing by Maiden. Off the top of my head, I cannot think of anything tougher on a singer. Even Bruce can't sing it like he did back then anymore.

Those are my reasons for not having suggested it to date. However, this is not to say that I would not volunteer my services if somebody else really wanted to do it.

My input on what I would like to record.

1. Losfer Words by Iron Maiden.
2. Master of Puppets by Metallica
3. Hot for Teacher by Van Halen (though any old VH will do)
4. Always with Me, Always with you by Satriani (mostly for my practice /forum/images/smilies/wink.gif )
5. BlackStar by Malmsteen (again, for my practice)
6. YYZ by Rush
7. Cult of Peronality by Living Colour
8. Over My Head by King's X
9. Reach Out by Adrian Smith (or Iron Maiden)
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2
11. Anything within reason by the Beatles

..thats just a few off the top of my head.

I listened to the Iced Earth tune. Not bad, I would be willing to learn it and give it a go.

Thanks for replying rabies! BTW, i know what you mean about hills. Its to maiden as sandman is to metallica.

Let me explain some more of what i had in mind with my plan...for wednesday, I wanted to create a small list of songs (5-6 at the most) to keep as a "to do list", if you will. I figured that list should be a few songs that everyone agrees is good or pretty 'do-able.'...that way after recording one, we could simply move onto the next one thats decided on. In the end there could be a few that don't make it, but it would be nice to have a good list set up.

SO....how bout getting that smaller list by friday? I'll make a new thread that outlines this easier.....ayuh. Hey, things are slowly taking back off. :D
rabies said:
10. Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2

I really like that song. Some days I can even sing it pretty well.:cool:

I know a little bit of Hot For Teacher. Mainly parts of the intro hammer on pull off solo thing.

I used to know all of Puppets, including the solos but that was a long way back. I doubt I can even play it now.
Hi Rabies

You have my attention with your post.

  1. Yngwie Malmsteen :Smokin:I listen to him almost every day. Grade 13 music for my playing exam I played I Am A Viking. One of the hardest 8 beats I have ever played :D One of songs I love listening to is Icarus Dream Suite. I remeber just coming out of High School when Rising Force and Marching Out was released. I could not believe my ears. Had to go to the music store and get Hal Leonard record transcriptions to see what he was playing. Thus I figured why not do the 8 hardest beats I could find at the time. I can still remember my class and teacher look at me after I finished. I did the song from begining untill the vocals would have come in. What a blast. I had the chance around 1992 ( I think this was the year) to see Malmsteen live play with Ronnie James Dio. Great show. He was playing his songs like no effort was needed.
  2. Rush YYZ. Anytime you want to do this one you know I'm game for it. Have to work on my chops
  3. Losfer Words. I'm ready to record this one. Just waiting for the drum track.
I agree things seem to be slowly heating up.:headbang::headbang:
Constantine said:
Yngwie Malmsteen
I listen to him almost every day. Grade 13 music for my playing exam I played I Am A Viking. One of the hardest 8 beats I have ever played /forum/images/smilies/supergrin.gif One of songs I love listening to is Icarus Dream Suite. I remeber just coming out of High School when Rising Force and Marching Out was released. I could not believe my ears. Had to go to the music store and get Hal Leonard record transcriptions to see what he was playing. Thus I figured why not do the 8 hardest beats I could find at the time. I can still remember my class and teacher look at me after I finished. I did the song from begining untill the vocals would have come in. What a blast. I had the chance around 1992 ( I think this was the year) to see Malmsteen live play with Ronnie James Dio. Great show. He was playing his songs like no effort was needed.
  1. Rush YYZ. Anytime you want to do this one you know I'm game for it. Have to work on my chops
  2. Losfer Words. I'm ready to record this one. Just waiting for the drum track.

Cool man! I'll have to listen back to I am a viking to understand what 8 beats youare talking about. I don't remember it off the top of my head. I would love to cover some stuff on Marching Out or Rising Force..alas...I would never be able to handle the guitar parts. hell...if I could play like Yngwie..what would I be doign hanging around here? :p

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