
Haha, hell yeah it's way funnier to use and generally more barbarian sounding. Anyway, if you need help with anything you just tell me and I'll help.
Patric said:
Haha, hell yeah it's way funnier to use and generally more barbarian sounding. Anyway, if you need help with anything you just tell me and I'll help.

thanks, my biggest problem would be pronouncing the words. i think i will get a tape dealy and my father also knows a fair amount of danish so he will help me on that.
It's very "guttural" in that sense, like Dutch. Pronouncing words is probably the biggest problem, you should see my Swedish friends making total dorks out of themslelves trying to speak it.
gcele said:
The pronounciation isn't hard at all, just gargle with some tar and you're there!

If you want to make it real easy for yourself, just stuff some potatoes down yer throat :loco:
for me as a swede when i hear someone speak danish it sounds as if that person's speaking swedish but is omitting most of the consonants.
"die såå ää hun" - "de såg en hund" :)
You guys should come over here, Copenhagen 0wnz the summertime. Neverending beer streams, nice girls and all kinds of awesome people.

And yeah, Riget ruled. Don't forget to check out "Bænken", also superb. Does anyone watch Hotellet?