Helloween in NYC

Hi Anthony!

Yes, I was at the show in New York. When did you show up for the show? I got their shortly before Beyond The Embrace went on and was lucky enough to catch Shawn (BTE vocalsit) by the photo pit and talk to him before they went on. Me and him and some good times in Cleveland... :Spin:

I did try and look for you though, It didn't accure to me that you would be in the photo pit! :ill: Once BTE started, the place was PACKED! I found a good spot on the second level across from the bar to see over everyones big heads and was pretty much camped out there for the whole night... I knew if we moved we'd be totally fucked on a good spot.

Jag Panzer smoked as usual!!!! I didn't think I would run into Mark after the show, but did. Him, John and Chris were hangin' on the stairwell as we were leaving... I had to harass his arse for not contacting me like he was supposed to while he was in Utah doing a filmography for a compay in Tooele. After buying a few shirts I had to rub it in that they would get to eat Breakfast the next day thanks to my contirbution to their merchandise fund... they cracked up pretty good; a great inside joke that never get's old for us poor musicans in the biz! "...Nail spiked bat" is a reborn classic BTW!

Helloween.... what can I say? I finally got to see tham blokes after waiting 13 years! It was a stellar performance from begining to end and was well worth the trip to see... I will defaintly have to check out the photo's you took of the show, it's defaintly something you have a talent for, so I know they must kick some ass!

We were in Hooboken, New Jeresy both that Saturday and Sunday... I should have contacted you for your info, we probably could have hooked up before the show that weekend, as we weren't doing much except hanging out and watching movings and eating the biggest pizza I have EVER seen in my life ( I believe it was 48" in circumfrance? I love east coast pizza!)! I'm sure I'll be heading out that way again...we do every year. :)

So how are things Anthony my man? I need to get your physical mailing info, coul dyou email it to me? That way the lable can send you a promo kit for the new album!
