Helloween- Keeper of the Seven Keys- Part 1

Dazed and Brutal

Yall About to Witness
May 16, 2006
Winterless New Jersey
Helloween have been vets for a while, bit it's always very nice to look back at the start of this legendary band. For "Keeper of the Seven Keys- Part 1” contains the best line up Helloween line up ever ex- vocalist Michael Kirske and ex- guitarist- Kai Hansen, possibly the two best members ever to pass through Helloween.

One reason it's so legendary (other than the great music on the album) is it can be considered the first power metal album ever. Containing all the aspects of power that we have grown to love (or hate) such as the chronic falsettos and the fantasy theme.

This music contained this album is also very wonderful. Though to me it's funny that every time a listen to any of the Keeper's cd's I'm overcome by happiness. It's the groove they place in their music. The drum pattern is a constant 4/4 time with a low audible double bass pounding. The bass on this album is a very odd listen for it pops out at you at random times then just disappears. This definitive sound is well represented by "Twilight of the Gods". Following this is also a song that could be connected to every 80's power ballad. Starting out with an acoustic riff that continues until the end of the chorus then bam the crunching power chords shape the background of Michael's high pitched vibrato consistent voice. Following this is a lightly distorted solo which is braced with a slow tempo whole note - quarter note that is all in the pitch shifts from the whammy bar. The drums are only noticeable every 4 beats with a "passionate" pounding with no variation through the song.

On "Judas" the guitarist Kai Hansen take the vocal duties and does a hell of a job. Same basic organization as every song album, but the "crowd" chanting out Judas is sure to be a hit with the crowd tossing metal horns and head banging to it. The next song is really the climax of the album.

"Future World" is so damn catchy it hurts. Starting with a chugging palm mute riff then bam right into the norm with the instruments, but the vocal Michael allows for him to create a melody to burn in your brain for a while.

"Halloween" I think is the ultimate example of power metal ever. It's so cheesy I feel French listening to it. I mean come on singing about a children’s holiday, sure there is a devilish motive, but it's still over the top. Next it shows that obsession of being "epic" in power metal. The brief use of keyboards starts a see mingling climatic feel, and well its 12:09 that makes it a journey. AND a journey is epic. :)

Overall this is must for any metal head for it shows the roots of power metal as we know it today.

My second favorite Helloween album... My first is Keeper of the 7 Keys: Pt. 2 :rofl:...

Well I thought it was a good review... Manly because I feel the exact same way about the album... It truly is one of the most magical metal albums ever... My third favorite metal album ever...