

New Metal Member
Nov 25, 2005
don't know whether this has been discussed before but how did you guys find the new album by Helloween

the third part of the keeper of the seven keys trilogy...

i thought the songs were great
Ride the Universe :up:
Occasion Avenue and King for a 1000 years were great....

Also on the topic of Helloween..What is with Kilske singing a song for Edguy when he said he did not wanna sing Metal anymore:?:
I'm in between. While still waiting for my copy I reviewed it already (but can't find it :err: ) and found it so-so. It's better than RDCE but absolutely unworthy of the name it bears, too many fillers and is just unjustifiable a double CD.

Nevertheless if you're an average fan (like me) you'll enjoy it.

As for kiske...I'm not sure what he wants from life. Bitchin' all the time about metal and still showing in any project available: Aina, Avantasia, Tribuzy, etc.

NP: Scorpions - 'Your Light'
Shade in The Shadow and My Life for One More Day are my favorites. I like the album alot. There is some filler but I know im gonna get killed but I actually like Mrs. God.. As for Edguy, well i love Edguy and I could care less if Kiske likes metal or wants to keep doing metal, i mean he did the song, its done, its kick ass , enough said.
A quality album, just like everything Helloween's done with Deris. They could've dropped a few songs out and release it on one disc though. But since it was normal priced (plus the fact I'm a complete fanboy) it doesn't really matter.

I'm actually seeing these guys tonight, should be a great show.
One spin thru and I like it. But hell, I liked RDCE, alot!

I will hafta give it a few spins... Then rate it at that point.

Occasion Ave. is fantastic. I wasn't a big fan of Mrs. God on the single but listening to it on the full length disc, it works pretty good.

Now, all the ProgPower kids need to speak up for Helloween this year!!! This would be the ultimate band for ProgPower.
Copy arrived, spinning it right now. Since I already review it this is mostly to decide which fillers are going to be sacked (besides 'Mrs. God' which has been sacked since the single appeared).

I just noticed that the song I like the most is composed by Grosskopf/Deris. They should let it Markus compose more, I have found some other jewels in past compositions by him, and his solo album "Shockmachine" is very, very good.

NP: Helloween - 'The King For A 1000 Years'
Wyvern said:
I just noticed that the song I like the most is composed by Grosskopf/Deris. They should let it Markus compose more, I have found some other jewels in past compositions by him, and his solo album "Shockmachine" is very, very good.
I remember that Markus wrote a great song for Dark Ride ("Deliver Us From Temptation") but it ended up as a B-Side of the If I Could Fly single... :erk:
Fangface said:
I remember that Markus wrote a great song for Dark Ride ("Deliver Us From Temptation") but it ended up as a B-Side of the If I Could Fly single... :erk:

Flo you are the man! Exactly what I had in mind when I wrote my words. If instead of 'Escalation 666' they had put 'Deliver Us From Temptation', "The Dark Ride" would have been the best Helloween album ever. I love that song and still hope one day Helloween will put a B-sides album for good compiling all their stuff since the early days. I had most of them by mercy opf downloading but it's not the same.

In other order of things after some spins of the lat album I decided to cut three songs out: 'Mrs. God' :yuk: , 'Ocassion Avenue' (boring) and 'Come Alive' (plain filler), the rest will do. Still the album even if better (with the absence of those three) than RDCE does not live up to the name they gave it, same it'll have not live to "Master Of The Rings 2", they should have come with some original.

NP: Quartz - Can't Say No To You
Wyvern said:
Flo you are the man! Exactly what I had in mind when I wrote my words.
I guess that's because we probably talked about it on another forum before :D ;)

Back on topic I bought the new album yesterday, time to crank up the speakers :rock:
Fangface said:
I guess that's because we probably talked about it on another forum before :D ;)

Back on topic I bought the new album yesterday, time to crank up the speakers :rock:

Hmm could be...:grin: In anycase spin it a couple of times and let us know your opinion.

NP: Cathedral - 'The Garden'