Helloween new album named.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
I hope it can live to its name, a hard bet IMO.​

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The new HELLOWEEN studio album will be titled "Keeper of The Seven Keys - The Legacy" and will be released on the 31st of October 2005. The new HELLOWEEN songs inherit elements that connect to the lyrical concept of the first two highly successful 'Keeper OF The Seven Keys' albums. The new HELLOWEEN compositions offer intricate arrangements, many speed changes, gifted drum breaks and epic sounds. A renewed team spirit prevailing during pre-production encouraged the band members to hold intense rehearsal room sessions with a fresh inspiration, resulting in the band choosing "Keeper of The Seven Keys - The Legacy" as the title for their new album. The 'Keeper Of The Seven Keys - The Legacy" World Tour 2005/2006', is set for November 18th 2005 and will lead the band around the globe for roughly six months.[/font]

Wow... the year of Operation Mindcrime II and Keeper of the Seven Keys III.

Looks like a couple of bands are setting the bar pretty high for themselves... I'm not too confident that either is going to come close to live up to expectations, but I guess we'll see!
wdiv said:
Looks like a couple of bands are setting the bar pretty high for themselves...

Well I don't see that as a "high bar", but rather as a somewhat lame try to gain back lost credibility with their fans... Helloween's and Quennsryche's last releases weren't anywhere near their classics. Both will have very hard time putting out an album on par with the legendary ones and I honestly believe they will fail. I can't see from where could they get some fresh ideas, it couldn't be from the album title itself, could it?!

More of a marketing trick, I'd say...
SickBoy said:
Well I don't see that as a "high bar", but rather as a somewhat lame try to gain back lost credibility with their fans... Helloween's and Quennsryche's last releases weren't anywhere near their classics. Both will have very hard time putting out an album on par with the legendary ones and I honestly believe they will fail. I can't see from where could they get some fresh ideas, it couldn't be from the album title itself, could it?!

More of a marketing trick, I'd say...

Oh good god, are you actually comparing Helloween to Queensryche? What the fuck!?

Helloween's last album may not have been that great, but they have NEVER been a band who shits on their fans with garbage contemporary radio-rock albums and asshole attitudes. They still play Heavy Fucking Metal, and they still play it with conviction.

EDIT: Ok, maybe Chameleon, but they were confused and they all hated each other in 1994. :p
Jean-Pierre said:
Oh good god, are you actually comparing Helloween to Queensryche? What the fuck!?

Only in terms of cashing in on respective past glory...

Helloween's last album may not have been that great, but they have NEVER been a band who shits on their fans with garbage contemporary radio-rock albums and asshole attitudes. They still play Heavy Fucking Metal, and they still play it with conviction.

EDIT: Ok, maybe Chameleon, but they were confused and they all hated each other in 1994. :p

You answered yourself... :grin:
Then again, didn't they hate each other when Grapow and Küsch were fired via e-mail?! And I'm talking solely about bands' attempts to ressurect their old good name with sequels to their most respected albums...
SickBoy said:
You answered yourself... :grin:
Then again, didn't they hate each other when Grapow and Küsch were fired via e-mail?! And I'm talking solely about bands' attempts to ressurect their old good name with sequels to their most respected albums...

But it's not like Helloween desecrate their name with shitty albums and hipster attitudes. They're still pretty capable of pulling off a Metal classic, completely unlike Queensryche. The album will probably be, at least, good, unlike Operation Mindcr$$$$$$$$$$.
I'm a Helloween fan (no I don't own "Chameleon" or PBGA), but I got pretty dissaponted with RDCE. Still metal I accept, but it felt like they qwere not longing leaders but followers making average power like countless bands that came after them.

Now I accept that coming with that title is just a way of cashing into lost glories. Moreover "Master Of The Rings" was the follow-up tio the story of the Keepers, so it would have made more logic to have a "Master Of The Rings - 2" than a KOTSK3.

In anycase the bottom line HAS to be the quality of the music, not the name of the album, or the artwork, or the band line-up. If the music is good, the rest is just peanuts.
I used to quite like "Pink bubbles go ape" back in the day but the last time I heard Helloweens new material it was just a fucking joke.. You'd have to be a mullet bearing German with learning difficulties to even consider proclaiming it as anything other than a complete bag of shite.
Jack Sabbath said:
I used to quite like "Pink bubbles go ape" back in the day but the last time I heard Helloweens new material it was just a fucking joke.. You'd have to be a mullet bearing German with learning difficulties to even consider proclaiming it as anything other than a complete bag of shite.
...I dont get it, are you saying Germans have bad music taste?
Dodens Grav said:
Rabbit Don't Come Easy was actually pretty good. Definitely an improvement on The Dark Ride.

Obviously we are 180 degrees on our opinions. :grin:
Except for the weak 'Escalation 666' (which should had been exchanged for 'Deliver Us From Temptation'), "The Dark Ride" was the freshest Helloween album since the Keepers.
Not their best either (that still is "Time Of The Oath"), but surely RDCE the weakest on Deris era will never be improvement over TDR.
I personally can't wait for the new album. they have a new drummer so we'll see what he can do. i don't think they should name it "Keepers" without Kai hansen and Kiske on it. owell deris is a kick ass singer with alot of range. imo i think they rock and i'm defiantly gonna buy it
The Soulforged said:
owell deris is a kick ass singer with alot of range. imo i think they rock and i'm defiantly gonna buy it

I'd really disagree on Deris...
His voice is IMO very weak in high notes and Helloween could've found a much better singer (just like Maiden could've with Blaze :loco: ).
I don't see his range as something to write home about. That said, range is the least important thing when singers are concerned, if you ask me, it's waaaay overrated.
SickBoy said:
I'd really disagree on Deris...
His voice is IMO very weak in high notes and Helloween could've found a much better singer (just like Maiden could've with Blaze :loco: ).

I disagree on your disagreement :tickled: . I think Deris is way better than Kiske, I love both but I see no point in getting to pitch like if your nuts were in a crusher.

I think Deris vocals are really good for the material from MOTR to TDR.

Of course if they had a singer like Jorn Lande...:grin:
well......I actually like a good majority of the Deris era. IMO, Master of the Rings is their weakest Deris-era album, save for maybe 3 songs, two of them being pretty awesome, though. I really enjoyed everything from Time of the Oath on. Yes, even Rabbit Don't Come Easy. Yes, it had it's weak spots, but overall, i really enjoyed it.
Helloween and Queensryche are both great bands. I believe that Queensryche is back to their original lineup since "Tribe" was recorded. They may have a better shot at a good record than Helloween, but I look forward to both ......

just to be clear, Helloween is great, I'm not saying one is better than the other, i'm just saying if i were to bet money on it, i'd say Queensryche would put out the better record with their current line-ups.