Helloween news.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Oops more changes in the Clockwork Pumpkin, not a very good sign IMO.

HELLOWEEN and drummer Stefan Schwarzmann have parted ways amicably. The former RUNNING WILD & UDO drummer, who played the drums during the pumpkin heads' RABBIT DON`T COME EASY world tour, will not be playing for the Hamburg based band any longer. During the tour it became apparent to Stefan and to the rest of the members of Helloween that, although things were going extremely well on the human side of things, Stefan and the band did not entirely share the same views musically. Stefan decided to stay to help out the band during their pre-production until a replacement was found.
Dani Löble, highly acclaimed ex-drummer of RAWHEAD REXX turned out to be the perfect man for HELLOWEEN. Dani, an exceptional talent known to many musical insiders, has already finished most of the drum recordings for Helloween´s follow-up album to RABBIT DON`T COME EASY. Helloween fans can anticipate awe-inspiring loads of double bass madness and the trademark Helloween style of songs and arrangements on their upcoming album.
Without Markus there would be no band, or is it the other one? :oops: either way, drummers are two a penny. All drummers are wankers anyway.
Ayeka said:
Without Markus there would be no band, or is it the other one? :oops:

Dunno, they've lost much when Küsch and Grapow left the band....
Just compare Masterplan debut with Rabbit, it wins hands down.

either way, drummers are two a penny. All drummers are wankers anyway.

Bunch of crap! At least Uli Küsch isn't your average bland drummer boy, the guy is one of the best in metal and very musical, to the extent that he writes really great songs...
Are you a drummer? :saint: I just have a thing about them...drummers in fave bands are cool, but all the ones I know who play I hate, even the cool ones who're my friends :loco:
Ayeka said:
Are you a drummer? :saint:

Nope, a guitarist :D

I just have a thing about them...drummers in fave bands are cool, but all the ones I know who play I hate, even the cool ones who're my friends :loco:

I'd have to agree with you...
The drummers I know are typically the most stubborn musicians I've ever played with, they always tend to "overplay", always making that hit too much, always listening only to their part within the song, instead to the song as a whole. If there's a part that just requires that simple one-one beat, then play it, goddamn, not bunch of unnecesarry notes here and there! :yell:
Our drummer realized a few things we've been constantly remarking about his parts only when he heard the song recorded. Until then he was just trying to make the part interesting for himself and thus played too much...
Not to mention how most tend to prove the others how well they play and then skip the beat on the "simple" one kick-one snare rhythm...
Masterplan is basically cock rock of the 21st century...but Rabbit Don't Come Easy sucked big time as well...

Which means one thing...BRING BACK HANSEN.
SickBoy said:
Just compare Masterplan debut with Rabbit, it wins hands down.

Bunch of crap! At least Uli Küsch isn't your average bland drummer boy, the guy is one of the best in metal and very musical, to the extent that he writes really great songs...

Kusch is a great player and composer, his works in Helloween were brilliant and as for Masterplan, you have to hear the new one. I did courtesy of Hawk :worship: , and is a really great follow up to their debut.
Wyvern said:
Kusch is a great player and composer, his works in Helloween were brilliant and as for Masterplan, you have to hear the new one. I did courtesy of Hawk :worship: , and is a really great follow up to their debut.

I agree with you on that. Kusch is not your average drummer. I've been playing the new Masterplan all week now and really dig it. However I think his(Kusch) playing on it is a bit reserved. Not much room in the songs for him to go off so to speak. But, a good solid album. :headbang:
SickBoy said:
I'd have to agree with you...
The drummers I know are typically the most stubborn musicians I've ever played with, they always tend to "overplay", always making that hit too much, always listening only to their part within the song, instead to the song as a whole. If there's a part that just requires that simple one-one beat, then play it, goddamn, not bunch of unnecesarry notes here and there! :yell:
Our drummer realized a few things we've been constantly remarking about his parts only when he heard the song recorded. Until then he was just trying to make the part interesting for himself and thus played too much...
Not to mention how most tend to prove the others how well they play and then skip the beat on the "simple" one kick-one snare rhythm...

Add to the list the small-time drummers who give a lot of gab about how much they want to join your band and then don't turn up to practises, or turn up without their kit, sometimes forcing you to pay for cancelled rehearsals out of your own pocket or pull gigs...and, *ahem*, we've got it all pretty much covered! DRummers SUCK!
SickBoy said:
Nope, a guitarist :D

I'd have to agree with you...
The drummers I know are typically the most stubborn musicians I've ever played with, they always tend to "overplay", always making that hit too much, always listening only to their part within the song, instead to the song as a whole. If there's a part that just requires that simple one-one beat, then play it, goddamn, not bunch of unnecesarry notes here and there! :yell:
Our drummer realized a few things we've been constantly remarking about his parts only when he heard the song recorded. Until then he was just trying to make the part interesting for himself and thus played too much...
Not to mention how most tend to prove the others how well they play and then skip the beat on the "simple" one kick-one snare rhythm...

Dude I know exzactly what you mean Every drummer I have played with has had that exzact same problem hahaha
SickBoy said:
And just who told you I haven't heard the new Masterplan? ;)

You Sicko I was being methaphorical :p Did you like it?

BTW have you checked the new Astral Doors (heard it also courtesy of Hawk :D )?
Wyvern said:
You Sicko I was being methaphorical :p Did you like it?

Yeah, though I'm still getting used to it...
Didn't quite fell for it instantly like I did with the debut.

BTW have you checked the new Astral Doors (heard it also courtesy of Hawk :D )?

Another yeah... :)
It's more/less the sequel to the first one, with its Rainbow meets Dio songwriting and performance. Very good band indeed, I just wonder what it would be like to listen to those songs without Johanssen's extraordinary voice... ;)
SickBoy said:
Yeah, though I'm still getting used to it...
Didn't quite fell for it instantly like I did with the debut.

Agreed 100%

It's more/less the sequel to the first one, with its Rainbow meets Dio songwriting and performance. Very good band indeed, I just wonder what it would be like to listen to those songs without Johanssen's extraordinary voice... ;)

That's a frightful thought. I guess the whole magic of AD is that they sound like Dio/Rainbow. On the other hand hearing Wuthering Heights last album and Space Odyssey debut confirms that Johanssen is a gifted singer on his own and not a mere clone.
It's very Spinal Tap. Helloween is bits and pieces. Why don't they bring back Mark Cross?!

I think Rabbit Don't Come Easy is best effort by them in long time. Yes it's so CHEESE jap anime music metal.

I think Masterplan is shit too though. I'm sure they won't be around in couple of months or 1 or 2 years time. They are too cheap, small band with crap music. I wish Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius and Nightwish split up as well.
god_king said:
It's very Spinal Tap. Helloween is bits and pieces. Why don't they bring back Mark Cross?!

I think Rabbit Don't Come Easy is best effort by them in long time. Yes it's so CHEESE jap anime music metal.

I think Masterplan is shit too though. I'm sure they won't be around in couple of months or 1 or 2 years time. They are too cheap, small band with crap music. I wish Sonata Arctica, Stratovarius and Nightwish split up as well.
Dude, you've got your shit straight more than anyone I've seen in awhile! \m/ :wave:
Jean-Pierre said:
Masterplan is basically cock rock of the 21st century...but Rabbit Don't Come Easy sucked big time as well...

Which means one thing...BRING BACK HANSEN.

Or it could mean...just quit already.