Helltrain - Route 666


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Helltrain – Route 666
Nuclear Blast Records – October 18th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


“I’m looking for a band that sounds like new In Flames. I like new Soilwork too, but I already have Withering Surface’s Force the Pace. That album sucks.”
“Hmmm. Lemme think. You want a band with some street cred too, right?”
“Yeah, pretty much. A bunch of negative connotations come with In Flames and Soilwork, y’know?”
“Yeah. I got it! Helltrain

Maybe that’s how a conversation in a music store would transpire. Maybe not, but the overriding point is that Helltrain’s Route 666 draws influences from the latest batch of purported sellouts. Where the group differs from the sellout entities, however, is: Helltrain seem to be having fun playing this style of music, whereas other previously mentioned groups seemingly do it to sell more records. In other words, most compositions on Route 666 are energetic iterations that are nod-your-head worthy, and encourage a tunnel vision attention span. Is this as deep as, say, The Chasm’s latest? Obviously it’s not, but the former is perhaps best enjoyed as a brief interlude between discs that carry more intellectual clout. Songs such as “Route 666” and “The Helltrain Coven” are good fun; most opuses don’t boast outstanding musicianship or anything of the sort, but they do appeal to the audio sense. As previously stated, songs like “Afterglow,” “Polizei,” and “Tombstone” will have you tapping your feet in unison with the instrumentation.

The weaknesses found within Route 666 are probably overt. This is mostly a 2D outing that doesn’t feature much differentiation or groundbreaking material. It’s not for everyone – granted – but for those of you that now hate N* Flamez and $oilwurk, Helltrain may be the alleviation you need.


Official Helltrain website
Official Nuclear Blast Records website