help a brotha out with a mix


i try
Sep 12, 2009
hey its my first post. ive been looking around for a little while and tried to absorb as much information as i can. i got a 7 string recently and have been recording some demos because i can't seem to put it down haha.

im really nervous to post this here as im sure ill get show down immediately haha. my knowledge of mixing is VERY limited. any constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

also, if the link doesnt work let me know. im new to drop box and im still not exactly sure how it works.

thanks again for listening to my unworthy mix! :kickass:

edit: sorry the link should work now.
Link works fine for me. I think this is pretty darn good for a first post. The guitars sound a tad muddy (not enough treble) but the overall playing is good. The drums could use a bit of work, maybe need to come down a bit in the mix and be EQed more to fit the mix. I still think this is really very good for starting out though. Just take a little bit more time to make the sounds fit like a jigsaw puzzle into an overall picture.
