Help a brother out. PLEASE! Need mix feedback


Jun 30, 2003
As I get closer to my deadlines I realize my confidence takes a real beating so any advice feedback on this would be muchly appreciated.

This is fully mixed and mastered. Any suggestions on the mix or mastering itself will help.

I've tried to avoid the volume war and pumping the levels too high but it's actually way softer than my own productions done earlier

Anyway enough talk here is the song:
I really like this mix, the kick and the snare have a lot of air and punch. The only thing that i don't like is the guitar fizz. I would cut surgically some highs.
Is that a widener on those guitars? I hear some phasing issues there but can't really say if that's gonna affect people using stereo.
Sounds very Raw, specially snare and guitars. I personally like stuff like this... But it also feels like a bit demo like. Will listen more carefully

What is the guitar chain?? bass?? drums?? real, programed?
Pimporello - It's a mapex saturn kit played by my drummer Hamza with his Paiste cymbals. The bass is an ibanez something tracked through a TC Electronic Rebel Head and cabinet. I've taken two signals and blended them, miced and DI. The guitars are just straight up my ESP with EMG 81s plugged into my laney iron heart and single mic'd with an SM57. All tracked through my focusrite saffire. The drums however were done in a real studio.

Frm the drums only the kick has been sample replaced due to some errors in judgement which I won't get into.
This stuff's like Mastodon meets SOAD meets Ozzy.
Good stuff.
Mixing wise, I'm horrible with tips on drums, so I'll just say I'd personally bring the rhythm guitars a Bit more upfront, then boost the vocals to balance that.
Very organic sound. I like.