help a metaler tourist in MAINZ


necro lord
Jun 20, 2004
lotsa places i travel
let us c
i travel allot
and everytime i m in MAINZ i c metalers around
where do u guys hang out on normal days?
if any wants 2 get 2 know me and take me out when i m next time in mainz
plz do so
Go for the "Alexander the Great", it is a metal/rock pub, playing everything from hard rock to Black metal, depends on the week day, having "All you can drink" evenings and a nice interior. cool shit, it is in the Hintere Bleiche, #16 IIRC
And for concerts, well, for good metal stuff you really have to look around, sometimes there are metal gigs in the Kulturzentrum (KuZ - if you come into Mainz from the south, it is in the street after the DB Cargo Center, very close to the Rhine) or the Haus der Jugend (HdJ, Mitternachtsgasse 8).
What stuff do you like to listen mostly?