Help diagnosing guitar buzz/hiss


Musical Hack
Oct 24, 2008
San Jose, CA
So, I'm using a DI box (into a Profire2626) and several guitars all with some variation of EMG active pickups (for example EMG 808x's) and have been recently battling this weird buzz that changes it's intensity/volume as I move the guitar around. There is always a position or location that virtually eliminates the noise but it's different every time I attempt to track. I've read some places that it may be caused by the computer monitor, but I'm running off of an iMac right now, so turning off the monitor is not really an option, and sitting very far from the computer doesn't seem to have a real effect on reducing the buzz... The buzz is only intense once I've run through an amp/cab sim and often can be semi-controlled by using the DI-box to do a -20db cut, but I hate doing this because I feel like it totally sucks the life out of the tone.

Anyone have any advice or have a similar experience?
Could be pretty much anything! as stupid as it is Chris from Dead & Divine has to solder a wire from his guitar circuit to ground it in one of his socks to eliminate a buzz while recording! Could be your cable.. Could be your DI... Try removing the DI and plug directly into your Profire.. using different cables.. inputs.. maybe you'll find what's going wrong!
Thanks for the reply! So yeah, I know that its a pretty broad thing since it could be (or is it definitely?) a grounding issue. However, I *bought* the DI box in an effort to alleviate the problem, so i'm sure that it isn't the source. I have tried other cables, other guitars (noticed that passive pickups are definitely less buzzy), and even have tried isolating the Profire on the rack to make sure that my power conditioner or other hardware weren't somehow causing a ground loop. No difference so far. Not sure what else to try... I'd rather not start soldering random ground-to-sock (you mean like socks on feet, right?!) solutions, but shit is getting desperate over here...
It's not a grounding issue. Your computer monitor emits a magnetic field, and your guitar's pickups pick it up and relay it to the DI box. Really nothing you can do but position yourself somewhere that the sound is not picked up.
You ever seen that episode of Dethklok where Skwisgar is recording and his guitar is humming? And whenever he jumped up and down and whenever he was in the air the humming stopped. SO THEY HAD HIM JUMP OUT OF A PLANE AND RECORD HIS SOLO WHILE SKY DIVING!

It was pretty sweet.
You ever seen that episode of Dethklok where Skwisgar is recording and his guitar is humming? And whenever he jumped up and down and whenever he was in the air the humming stopped. SO THEY HAD HIM JUMP OUT OF A PLANE AND RECORD HIS SOLO WHILE SKY DIVING!

It was pretty sweet.

hahahahaha :lol:
You ever seen that episode of Dethklok where Skwisgar is recording and his guitar is humming? And whenever he jumped up and down and whenever he was in the air the humming stopped. SO THEY HAD HIM JUMP OUT OF A PLANE AND RECORD HIS SOLO WHILE SKY DIVING!

It was pretty sweet.

All i need is a plane now... :rock: