Reamping, help please


Feb 2, 2007
Hi everyone,

I have recently started playing around with reamping tracks and need some advice.

First let me explain how I am reamp my tracks.

I plug my guitar into a Pod Pro and use one output as a monitor with effects on and another output as my DI track (unprocessed reamp out).

Once all tracks are recorded; I then take a aux out from my computer and run that to my 5150 amp and cab.

Now should I compress or EQ the DI track as it is recorded into my computer?


Or start processing the signal only when I start the reamping stage?

Cheers look forward to your replies

Now should I compress or EQ the DI track as it is recorded into my computer?

Nope. You want nothing but the guitar signal in a DI track.


Or start processing the signal only when I start the reamping stage?

You want to feed the DI signal (no processing) out to the reamp box and then process it as you would as if you were plugging directly into the amp. If you want to use a tubescreamer or any other pedals, stick them between the reamp box and the amp.

Simple stuff! :D