Reamping and effect pedals


Silent City Studio
Jul 22, 2007
Sorry to start another thread about reamping but I couln't find a previous topic covering this...

If you're recording a band who want to use boutique guitar effects, would you:

a) track the guitars so the performer can hear the effect but don't record it in the DI signal, and then set up the effect again later when you come to reamp...

i.e. DAW (unprocessed signal) -> Reamp box -> effect pedals -> Amp

b) track the guitars with the effect pedal before the DI box so the clean signal is already processed by the effect, allowing direct reamping...

i.e. DAW (processed signal) -> Reamp box -> Amp

I would of thought b) would be best?


if you're sure of the effect(s), track it. If not, don't. If the effect(s) won't be available later, track it. If it will, probably don't.
Aha... cheers guys!

My situation at the moment is that I record guitars at home and then reamp in a studio elsewhere at a later time (unfortuantely I don't have a live room), so I'd have to borrow the effects off the band when I do it.

Suppose be best to write the effect settings down whilst tracking so the same sound can be recreated...

... I'm just talking to myself now...

Thanks again!
If you are 100% certain you're going to use that effect with that exact setting in the final mix, and if it is a tempo based effect that the tempo follows the song, then you can record that on the DI track.