Guitar compression when reamping!


Jun 19, 2011
hey there! quick question about compression when reamping guitars! Since I know there's no kinda rules in our world I'd like to know what are your preferences or way to do! I've been thinking of 3 ways to do it.. let me know what you think!

1. Compress your signal between the reamp box and the amp.. so your mics captures a guitar sound that is already compressed..

2. Compress in your DAW then.. reamp..

3. Reamp and then compress the signal from your mics..

Personnaly.. both of my guitarist in my ex-band were using Samson S-com in their rack with Krankenstein / Rev heads both in Krankenstein cab and their tone were just facemelting.

I could definitely see using compression on a DI before the amp for a clean sound into the clean channel of a high gain amp because they typically sound pretty rough edged, so you would be using the compressor to smooth the amp's response for a cleaner tone. For a high gain tone with a cranked high gain tube amp in the red channel, it's probably best to let the amp take care of the transients. Though with that said, a lot of guys use active pickups or an OD pedal, or both, and those function as signal compression among other things, but that's also not the same as using an outright compressor. Like with all things, it depends on a lot of things.