im using CUBASE with several diff types of plugins (amplitube, 8505, soloc, etc) so i pretty much have the tools i need to get a great sound.
My question is why do my guitars sound like they are in my face, when i listen to professional music the guitars sound THIN, sharp, distant, like a lead type of sound but with a low boost (artists like black dahlia murder, necrophagist). If i turn down the volume on the guitar track it just sounds low not thin.
I have also messed with CATHARSIS IR signals, what do you guys guys use to load your IR,they help tremendously but im still not quite there, kefir gives me a much different sound then any other, . Is it perhaps my mixing?
If you could give me some basic tips please let me know. Or if you have any VST recommendations you recommend for beginner records plz let me know.
Also can it be the way i record? Should i record stereo IN Mono OUT or just STEREO or just MONO. Also whats this phenomenon with quad recording does that help?
Thank you guys.
My question is why do my guitars sound like they are in my face, when i listen to professional music the guitars sound THIN, sharp, distant, like a lead type of sound but with a low boost (artists like black dahlia murder, necrophagist). If i turn down the volume on the guitar track it just sounds low not thin.
I have also messed with CATHARSIS IR signals, what do you guys guys use to load your IR,they help tremendously but im still not quite there, kefir gives me a much different sound then any other, . Is it perhaps my mixing?
If you could give me some basic tips please let me know. Or if you have any VST recommendations you recommend for beginner records plz let me know.
Also can it be the way i record? Should i record stereo IN Mono OUT or just STEREO or just MONO. Also whats this phenomenon with quad recording does that help?
Thank you guys.