Help identifying metal song/band


New Metal Member
Jun 4, 2008
So I've gotten into metal recently, and I remember that on this sports radio station (1310 the ticket for people in DFW)they were messing around with sound bits at the intro thing, and there was this sound, and one of the hosts said he recorded the sound of a toilet flushing, and I thought he was serious because it was exactly what it sounded like. But it was actually a metal song, and they replayed it in context, and they played it starting at a point in the song where the band yelled a generic "YEAH" in a deep-timbre midrange scream, followed by a short awesome instrumental part, but then the singer let out this extremely deep grunt or inhale vocals or something, and the instruments suddenly dropped out and just his inhuman, toilet sound remained for a few seconds, and then they stopped the song.
Of course, the radio guys started laughing and saying how his throat would have to be removed, but I think it sounded awesome. Sorry I don't know anything else about it, but I don't know many metal bands to recognize who it was.
There's a part on the Wormed track "Geodesic Dome" that bears some resemblance to what you're talking about, although it's not at the beginning, and there's no "YEAH!" You might like it, though. It's at 1:50 or so.

Also, you should really post stuff like this in the Rec forum.