Help me decide on a gearbox tone.


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
I'm really bored here at college and I decided to write/record a melodic deathmetal album in the style of In Flames/Soilwork and other similar styles.

I want to decide on a set guitar tone from gearbox so all the songs have the same tone.

I did three clips to test out 3 different tones, Tone test1, tone test2 and tone test3

Let me know what one you like best!

Oh and there's no bass guitar yet so throw that into consideration too.
I feel they all sound way too distorted and edgy/bright/thin. If I were you, I'd find an amp model which sounds less midrangey than the others and then I'd use a lot less gain(around 12 o'clock or less), a lot less upper mids and highs (that should be your highs and presence knobs) and a tiny touch of tube screamer (a setting of 20%,50%,20%). I'd also use some distance on the mic and try the last 2 mics, not the on/off axis ones as they produce an annoying upper midrange boost. Also check out this thread : Hope this helps.
