Help me finish this tab!


No Blest´s Bassist
Aug 27, 2002
I just need a little info to finish this. I´m still tabbing "Suicide Machine", but I stuck in this part:

(It´s based on the guitar tab)

Intro: (ok)


Riff 1 (the first time, at the end od the Riff)


What you did at this part Steve? Seems some "no-coordinate-picking-hammer-on" stuff. Can you (or someone) tell me?

If you help me I´ll give you credits in the tabbing :D
if you want, you can try this. There's a freeware called chronotron (not sure if it's still available, i downloaded it about 2 years ago), it takes sound files and slows them while keeping the original pitch. So maybe, play your CD in your computer and slow the part down. I think it goes as slow as 25% speed.

That may help. (yes, yes, I'm still in the process of getting an acceptable email account)
Hmm, just out of curiosity, i found it. It seems to still be up. It works off of Winamp or anything that can utilize Winamp.

It works pretty good for being FREE. Did I mention it's FREE. Hehe, can you tell I'm a cheapskate (hell, I bought a Carvin. Years ago when I bought it, they were the cheapest 6-string basses around, I was surprised at how high of quality they are. I always drool over those super high-end basses, but I'll never buy one. Can't see spending enough money on a bass that could buy me a decent car, it's highway robbery.)

You ever tried power tab editor? It's another freeware. They're suppose to be almost finished with the beta testing for the new version (of course theyve been saying that for months). It's a notation program (and better than some of those expensive types) that shows tabulature and standard notation (you can even set how many strings on the bass or guitar and the tuning) and plays it out while highlighting the notes as it's played. I'll work out parts on it sometimes, compose, put in a new part im working on and slow it down for easy learning,ect. I heard the new version adds drums too (besides just guitars and basses). And unlike these tab sites, you can hear if the transcription is shitty. The selection of song files isn't the biggest or heaviest (i think there may be some iced earth, but don't hold me to it), but the program is pretty good.