hey guys,
i am working on a production for a band and the rough mix i created is kinda.. lame.. not cool.. sounds a bit digital as well... you get the idea. anyway, here it is:
problem zones that i think i hear (but still have problems to fix):
- muddy low mids? from guitars? bass? kick? my first guess would be guitars or bass but when i make small more or less intelligent cuts to the guitars in this region they get thin and sound like they have no body anymore. compensating @ around 450hz makes it honky and @ 1-1.5khz they sound telephone-esque.. when i cut the bass there it loses all its power and impact.. actually the bass has almost nothing going on at 240-600hz...
- guitar tone is fizzy and thin, kinda harsh on 2-3khz. i can`t seem to make it sound good... when i go and cut that harsh high end (or the fizz @6.5khz+) they sound dull. i love present guitar tones but how do i make them present but not harsh/trebly/fizzy?
->good example for an awesome guitar (and bass) tone:
- i just realized the kick (and mix?) has too much low end content. i am happy that this is the least problem to fix haha
are you hearing other things that have to be fixed?
there are several overdubs that i will probably reamp or at least eq differently because they sound phasey and make the rhythm guitars even worse haha sorry for that..
any help would be much appreciated!
i am working on a production for a band and the rough mix i created is kinda.. lame.. not cool.. sounds a bit digital as well... you get the idea. anyway, here it is:
problem zones that i think i hear (but still have problems to fix):
- muddy low mids? from guitars? bass? kick? my first guess would be guitars or bass but when i make small more or less intelligent cuts to the guitars in this region they get thin and sound like they have no body anymore. compensating @ around 450hz makes it honky and @ 1-1.5khz they sound telephone-esque.. when i cut the bass there it loses all its power and impact.. actually the bass has almost nothing going on at 240-600hz...
- guitar tone is fizzy and thin, kinda harsh on 2-3khz. i can`t seem to make it sound good... when i go and cut that harsh high end (or the fizz @6.5khz+) they sound dull. i love present guitar tones but how do i make them present but not harsh/trebly/fizzy?
->good example for an awesome guitar (and bass) tone:
- i just realized the kick (and mix?) has too much low end content. i am happy that this is the least problem to fix haha
are you hearing other things that have to be fixed?
there are several overdubs that i will probably reamp or at least eq differently because they sound phasey and make the rhythm guitars even worse haha sorry for that..
any help would be much appreciated!

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