help me make this mix better! axe-fx 2, carvin dc800 content

the drums (sample wise) sound pretty fake. The riffing is pretty intense and the solos are gnarly. Really liking how to synth sits. Good job

Edit: Also double check your fades and cuts cause at 3:13 it almost skips cause of it
i think i'll have to mix multiple sample to get near a real snare sound...

SD2 seems a bit complicated for the result i get... (it just seems conter-intuitive... to me at least...)

i might have to spend more time with it to really get the control and sound i want, most processing i do on drum track are out of sd2...

i kinda feal the guitar lack a bit of punch too... i play with no pick, so i get a bit less attack, but i think i might fail in overall compression...

also, is the snare a tad loud to you?

thanx again man! your help is really appreciated!

im a noob at tryin to sound pro :D
