Help me name my fishies

don't. it's so painful because you want so badly to watch a third season and see how this story plays out and continues and you fucking just CAN'T.
Last boredom post of the night.

The fishies:

The snail:
Are those the Mickey mouse variety of platy, Jace? I can't really tell.
Fuck, there are too many...

Oh....don't expect to only have one snail for long...heehee :Spin:
Hey JM, for healthy thriving fish: make sure to do a lot of water changes.
once a week! (a 1/4)

and take a picture of the tank! :D
once a week? wayyy too much.
every six months worked for me. (though, a few of my fish got cancerous looking growths... but they lived long!)
every six months? are you mad?!
what kind of tank do you have? with what fish, how many ,and what kind of filter?
this was about ten years ago. they were mostly goldfish, but i may have had some more pretty ones. biiiig tank. like... two feet by 8+ inches. somewhere in that area. and a decent filter.

cleaning was a very grueling experience. i put tons of artificial stuff to soak up dirt to avoid cleaning it.
yeah well.... fish in tanks that don't get many water changes usually don't thrive and don't remain in good health... so for the long run: it was prolly not a good idea to throw in chemicals and change it every 6 months.. especially goldfish that are the no.1 Amonia and waste creaters..
but oh well :) It was, as you said, several years ago :)
When I had goldfish, I used to change the water every two weeks. I used to use Evian to fill the tank. They lived for like 3 years.