Help me remix this/advice on making the mix better


New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2009
This is a cover I'm attempting of "The Remembrance Ballad" by Atreyu. Here is a clip of the intro:

Now, when I compare the sound I'm getting to the actual song, my mix just sounds... flat? I don't know how else to describe it, but it is obviously lacking something that makes it sound bad. I'm still a total noob at the whole tone/mixing thing so I can't pinpoint anything specific, which is why I'm asking for your help. :)

The drums and bass are both virtual instruments, so ignore those for the moment. The guitars are where I want to focus on until I can get a decent tone out of them. I used revalver mkiii (should be pretty obvious because of the intermittent noise) on the rhythm track (dual tracked), and guitar rig on the lead track (single tracked). Guitar is an epiphone lp with passives through my new ik stealthpedal.

Here is a link to the guitar di tracks and midi files for the bass and drums, if anyone wants to make a mix:
You have some problems. Sometimes your DI tracks are clipping and seems to have some issues with tuning, some chords dont sound very well and try to play with a click, you have problems with time too. Also try another ampsims and different impulses and you may achieve a better tone.

I did some quick with your tracks, it´s not very good but you can hear here:
You have some problems. Sometimes your DI tracks are clipping and seems to have some issues with tuning, some chords dont sound very well and try to play with a click, you have problems with time too. Also try another ampsims and different impulses and you may achieve a better tone.

I did some quick with your tracks, it´s not very good but you can hear here:

Thank you.

I didn't notice the DIs were clipping, I just took another listen after you mentioned it and I hear some popping and clicking in the lead track, I guess this is because I'm setting my interface buffer too low/overtaxing my cpu during recording?

Could you be a little more specific about the timing issues? I definitely want to improve my playing but I can't really hear where the problem is.
I went on ahead and took a stab at a mix:

As for the d.i.s just keep in mind that they are eventually going to be amplified in the reamping process, so they don't need to be too loud.

The drums and bass are both virtual instruments, so ignore those for the moment. The guitars are where I want to focus on until I can get a decent tone out of them.

Don't underestimate the power of drums and bass. The difference they make in guitar tone is incredible.