help me spend 1500 on outboard (comp, pre, summing)


HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
Hey guys,
I'm just doing some work for an american band....
now with the current exchangerate the 1500$ I'll be paid is close to nothing in €, so I thought about letting them buy some gear in the US and send it my way instead of paying me directly....

so what I need now is some proposals on how to spend the money....

USED is fine to me...

I'm looking for an SSL-type 2bus-comp (would love to have a C1), a nice channelstrip to complement my APIs (neve or similar)...perhaps a Disressor....

what is important to me is that it has to be switchable to 240V.

any suggestions?
I don't know about the 240v, but my buddy Wes at StudioWest just bought the chameleon labs neve clone and the buss comp for both of them for $1500 He is about the pickiest guy I know and he's been talking them up. He runs APIs, Neotek, OSA,Avalon, Trident, (not a stranger to good gear)
If I was looking for a comp and a pre for that price that's where I'd start. In fact it will probably be my next purchase

I've A/B'd the 7602 pre against the vintech clone and much preferred the cheaper chameleon labs pre. The vintech is OK too though
On you'll find the best secondhand prices (we bought our gear from there, and we are from France : Distressors, 1176, APIs, Purple Audio etc.)

If you're interested a friend of me has built an SSL bus compressor, sounds KILLER !! I can send you some extracts if you're interested in listening what it does.
I've just been offered an Alan Smart C1 for 1900$.......need to gather some additional $ now ;)

buy my RME!!
or Mesa Simul!!!
or Dean!!!



tax is your enemy !!!!!!!

i ordered some opamps from linear technology (USA) and shipping + german tax for it killed everything. :waah:

be aware of our 'zoll' - they open nearly every package that is not from europe and tell you to pay, pay, pay!!!!!!!
if by any chance you know someone in Austria, let em send their stuff there => WAAAY cheaper taxes for you.
and if they re-send it to Germany => no taxes from Austria because of EU rights.

+ if the seller is nice, tell him to put a way lower price on USED items, this way, IF they open your package(s) at the customs they'll take that price(s) to calculate their taxes (and other additional rates)

I did it that way many times and often the package gets through without any tax-bitchin'