Help me with editing cymbals/overheads.

Ice Man

Sep 18, 2006
West Palm Beach, FL
Hey, all. All right, well I've gotten into drum slicing and editing for timing, but given that re-recording a whole take that has mis-hit cymbals matching the mis-hit drums is not an option, how would I go about editing them for time? Would I splice in new samples? And if so, would I duck out the overheads for the bad hit and the new hit, or what? Thanks for any insight!

Hey, all. All right, well I've gotten into drum slicing and editing for timing, but given that re-recording a whole take that has mis-hit cymbals matching the mis-hit drums is not an option, how would I go about editing them for time? Would I splice in new samples? And if so, would I duck out the overheads for the bad hit and the new hit, or what? Thanks for any insight!


make the drummer record the track until its a good/great take... he's a drummer for fucks sake...
make the drummer record the track until its a good/great take... he's a drummer for fucks sake...

Well, that would be great, but that's not the point. I want to learn the editing process, not side-skirt around it and remain ignorant to it. I'd like to have the knowledge in case things come up in the future, y'know?