Help me with Firepod & 1010LT playback


Oct 31, 2005
ok guys, I got my new Firepod friday and I've been trying to hook everything up right......


Mixerless AMD dual-core 2.2 ghz system w/ Audition1.5
Delta 1010LT
Firepod for playback and tracking, I used to run my delta 1010LT ch.1&2 outs into my line-in on my soundcard.
Now that I'm adding a Firepod, how do I rig up playback for both?
I wanna also add a 4channel headphone amp into the mix also, but how do I hook it up to both 1010LT, Firepod, and my computer soundcard for playback ?????:erk:
ApolloSpeed said:
I used to run my delta 1010LT ch.1&2 outs into my line-in on my soundcard.

Why do you route it this way? I find this to be a strange setup. Regards to your question to use firepod and the delta simultaneously, I think it really depends if the recording software can support both device's drivers simultaneously?
Didn't we already go over all of this like a week ago?

Homie... Are you telling me that you used to take a set of outs from a 1010LT and feed them into your motherboards internal soundcard?!

That Firepod should be the only active soundcard in your box, and your onboard sound should be disabled (as well as LPT/COM, etc) and the 1010LT should be going on eBay, and the proceeds of that sale should be funding more studio gear.

You are completely flabbing my gaster when you talk about running a 1010, firepod, and onboard sound all in cahoots together like some sick audio party that is full of IRQ conflicts, 500ms latency, the rice krispie characters, and german schiza videos.
The firepod is you interface AND your soundcard. plug you monitors or headphone amp right into the firepods monitor outputs.
Jaagerhead - I didn't mean to come off as a smart ass... sorry if I did. You have to understand how crazy it sounds when you speak of wanting to run 3 separate sound cards, all having intercourse together - it's wack logic. With ASIO/DX/WDM drivers all available from one card, you can run multiple apps using ONE card.

Here is a picture I found that should 'splain things to you I hope:

Obviously this does not take Adobe Audition into factor, because that is where you are going to set track levels, etc, in addition to the Firepod software control panel.

You are making shit WAY too complicated. FORGET the 1010, and FORGET the onboard sound - you do NOT need them.

PS - Wadi.. hehehe... I also felt the need to use excessive emoticons. =)
EtherForBreakfast said:
You are making shit WAY too complicated. FORGET the 1010, and FORGET the onboard sound - you do NOT need them.

ok, so the Firepod can be soundcard for everything........I also use this computer for other things.

How would I run the whole computer into the firepod? And then send from the Firepod into my speakers?:erk: :kickass: :erk:
Your "whole computer" is already using the Firepod.

I assume by using the computer for "other things" you mean games, net surfing, videos, yada.

You also have a WDM driver - windows driver model; ie it does all of the "windows sounds". Winamp, media player, games, blah... they will use WDM. Audition will use ASIO.

Firepod will send to your speakers via the main outs as the photo shows. Dig?!

Now *I* want a Jaager shot, homie.

Just do this... remove the maudio PCI card and disable the onboard sound in BIOS, or ask a computer savvy buddy to kick into BIOS and kill it for you.