Help me with my degree!

lanky noob

Jan 13, 2012
The shire, UK
So basically guys I'm in the second year of my degree and we have to choose a research subject and take surveys etc etc.... So I'm asking you guys to help me out by answering a simple question。is music art, in the same sense as a painting, or is it something entirely different?, and wh do you have this viewpoint. The more in depth you can be the better, and thanks for all of your help in advance!
Shit, I love pontificating. Yes, music is art, but it's functionally different from physical artwork (paintings, sculptures, performance art), literature, and other forms of art in that there's a heightened degree of interaction between the listener and the artist, and among listeners, that isn't as common in other forms of artwork. That isn't always the case - some famous pieces of performance art rely almost entirely upon interaction between the artist and audience, like Cut Piece - but the degree of importance of live shows and crowd interaction, and the development of a subculture or "scene" around particular genres (especially more obscure genres), changes the dynamic in a way that I don't think applies to many other forms of art. I think that's also what makes it appealing to many people vis-a-vis paintings or literature. Most people don't typically have fond memories of a super crazy book club meeting, whereas the listener-audience and intra-audience component of live music, and the online communities revolving around sharing opinions and experiences related to music, whether it's PitchFork or Lambgoat, are essential to appreciating music for dedicated fans.
i think music is definitely art and a lot closer to to paintings or sculpture than say,literature, theater, tv or film, simply because paintings (or drawings or whatever), sculpture and music can be enjoyed without narritive (i love plenty of concept albums despite the concept or narritive too)

if you read a book or watch a movie, in most cases, you don't have to re-watch to enjoy and often it isn't as good the second time as plot twists are revealed etc.
Paintings, songs, sculptures can all be enjoyed multiple times a day, every time, learning something new about the piece heightening the enjoyment instead of lessening it as i would tend to find with even movies/books that i love.

yeah just my first thoughts on the matter, i tend to enjoy all art, but not even going to get into the debate regarding something like john cage's "4:33" as i regard that art but not music, i spent three years of MY degree arguing that with my music lecturers :lol:
Music can be art in the same sense as a painting. It kind of depends on intention and context though. Music has lots of uses, it's a way of communication, an artform, sonic wallpaper, a vehical to cram more commercials down your throat, a reason for social interaction, a way to heighten festivities, a way to connect with another spiritual world, a way to strengthen the vibe of another piece of art, simple entertainment and a lot more.
But yes, it can be art like a painting. With a painting, you can hang it on a wall and just have it there and see it in the corner of your eye as you walk by, just as music can be playing in the background while your attention is elsewhere but you still kind of notice it. But you can also sit in front of a painting and really look at it and get lost in it, like with music you can sit and listen and get totally lost in it. But you can also dance to it and loose yourself that way (which is kind of hard to do with a painting).

Damn, I suck at trying to find the proper words when talking about this...