Help me with my drum sound...

Definitely change that snare sample. Sounds like a pop gun. :lol:

Can't say I really like the kick sample either, sounds a little too boxy for me.

The rest is good.
Thanks for the help guys, I agree with you on the snare and kick. I can't seem to get em sounding good.
yeah, I have to agree. kick and snare need some work. the tune, etc are great.

have you checked out the presets that others have posted of the superior 2.0? There were some good snare and kicks in those and you could at least see what they are doing to help you out more
I do have a few presets from people here: fuge, Goddam Guitar and someone else but they don't seem to be working for my mixes. I'm running into that body vs crack decision with the snare. The kick is almost there, but definitely needs work to be great, not just ok.
I do have a few presets from people here: fuge, Goddam Guitar and someone else but they don't seem to be working for my mixes. I'm running into that body vs crack decision with the snare. The kick is almost there, but definitely needs work to be great, not just ok.

Hello There!
IMHO U should find a Overall good sounding snare sample NOT TOO particoular, just a GOOD rock\metal Top Snare sample, and then shape it with eq and compression by your taste.... samples or settings that are
good for other often are not so good for our needs... or maybe they doesen't work ALONE...
U Said :" I'm running into that body vs crack decision with the snare", so ...why don't U try to blend the togheter?

Listening to Your snare U made ,as someone's already told U, a kinda "popping" one... U probably compressed it really hard, so that the crack and tranìsients disappeared creating the POP effect... So ok! this is GOOD, but not enough to stand alone... so, take the same sample, or another one...compress it a lot less setting the attack time really slow, let PASS all the CRACK transients, or if u need more boost with an eq the range about 5K 8K... then make shure they're in PHASE and send them to the same BUSS balancing their respective volumes un til U get what U like......
Could work! ;)

Hope this helped!