help me with my guitar tone:)


my jackson RR1 rules!!!
Sep 2, 2004
pa, usa
ok, i was messing with my blue voodoo halfstack and my digitech gen1 processor today, i;m almost happy with my tone......somthing is missing though??? i dont know what i should do to make my tone better??? here is a clip of me dickin around with my tone.
my playing blows but tell me what you think of my tone?

thanx :rock: :rock: :rock:

sorry about that, i fixed it:)
Man, I will have to listen tomorrow. It'll be hard though... with that Blue Voodoo... you might need a heavy preamp to pull the sound, and use the head more as a power source...

What tone ideally are you looking for anyways? Depending on what you're going for, definitely changes up what you'd use. What guitar are you using?
guitar playing was good...wankage


tone wise? the distortion and everything is good. if you have a good equalizer (something beyond just treb, mid and bass) it'll take care of your problem real quickly. My only beef was that it sounded very...hollow. Like the scooped mids distortion type thing. personally, I prefer a little bit of lower end in my distortion to help bring out the power chords and such.