Help My Mix

Guitars sound fine where they are IMO, any more scooping may kill their warmth. Those high vocals sound like they were pitch-shifted up or something, it's hard to believe both voices probably came from one person.
They actually did.... I HATE the high vocals. But the guys in the band love them. I think they sound like a pissed off Donald Duck. It was basically a very weak throat scream. Like imagine you were trying to do a Donald Duck impression. Yeah, that's what he sounds like. hahahaha I even added some distortion and exciter on the low mids to make it have more ballz. But it's still very.......ummm...... piercing. I also had to do some high Q cuts in the upper mids. Those things were VERY piercing.

I agree on guitars. They are already cut pretty heavy in the mids. Tommy may be hearing the distortion on the bass. It's heavier in the mids.
I KNEW it. Those unnatural highs bother me, but it's not a dealbreaker. Overall, the mix is good. I can't think of much I would personally change. I might dip the drums in reverb to get them a little wet and I might also give just a tiny little bit of mid-warmth to the cymbals, but that's just my taste. I think everything sounds pretty good the way it is.
I might dip the drums in reverb to get them a little wet and I might also give just a tiny little bit of mid-warmth to the cymbals, but that's just my taste. I think everything sounds pretty good the way it is.

Yeah, the drums are VERY dry. I was worried the verb may cloud the mix a little since there was so much going on. I also high passed the cymbals to 600 for the same reason. Ill try adding in some verb and lowering the high pass to see if it comes out a little better.

Thanks for the input guys! Appreciate your comments.