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I'm guessing guitars are POD? Personally, the guitars sounds a bit dry to me but that's the POD flavor I guess. Maybe try some saturation on them such as PSP Vintage Warmer? Also seems like the bass is a bit muddy but I'm sure it will be further tweaked as the song comes together. Would I happen to know this band?
Hey Scott,

Yup, pod. I recorded this loop last night myself and started tweeking to get the sound they wanted. It's a band from Athens. They're called A Smile Less Alive. They're really young dudes.

I have the Fatso Jr on the Guitars with the warmth on 3 and pushing just a tad to take a little of the fizz away. But I need to get the VW and give it a try too.

The bass is just midi with trillian. I didnt take the time to track it with my Jazz. So there's not really any cut to the bass. So when I actually track the bass it'll be with the GR ME1-NV and Bass Driver.

Also, I think the mudd is coming from the kick / bass gtr mix. It's a little too much in the lowend probably. I need to work on the bass / kick mix. It could also be from the multi-band comp on the mix buss.

This track is sitting at 9.5 so it's pretty hot.

Thanks for the input! Anything else? Anyone?