Help!! Need info please...


Nov 8, 2002
Louisville, KY
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Awhile back, someone posted the theory that the song "Lateralus" by Tool was written in a mathmatical formula related to the perfect circle or spiral....

Does anyone remember this or have any info?


I believe they used a Fibbinochi scale (sp?) where (again i believe) it goes 1 beat, 2 beats, 3 beats, 5 beats, 8 beats, then 13. I think it stops at thirteen. I remember reading something like this a long long time ago so i may be way off, but that is the general idea of the song. As for the perfect circle? I dont know bout that, but it sounds logical and cool i guess.
Actually, the mathematical formula as found in Tool's album Lateralus is based upon the Parabolas Princliple (those circles in the CD booklet behind the fleshy dude).
Susposedly if you started with Schism (track 5) and work your way through the other tracks in some fashion you'll end up with the Parabolas Formula to make the Universal Circle (or something like that, not sure of the correct termanology).
But Soul Of Ice's theory also holds true. that is way there are 13 tracks on the album. And if you use the Fibbinochi scale, the groupings of tracks 10, 11 & 12 make sense as well as why they made tracks 6 & 7 (Parabol & Parabola) a link through song (it also connects it all back in with the Parabolas Forumla).
The Pimp isn't sure of the exact mathamatics of this all though. The Pimp tends to suck at math and anything beyond the simple stuff tends to give us a headache.
Well, hope that helps.
The Pimp NeonBlack
i remember reading that one of their songs(i don't remember if it was lateralus or not)...followed fibbinachi's sequence with how the lyrics were

the syllables per line, followed 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 etc(don't remember if the lyrics start with 1 though)..and it went up to something and came back down

i'm sure i was a big help heh
Oh yes you are...

CHECK OUT THOUGHT INDUSTRY....they make tool look like nirvana.........
Neverlady burned it on CD and sent it to me, and in the end I don't like it... I probably should smoke some and then give it a try.
Originally posted by rebirth
Oh yes you are...

CHECK OUT THOUGHT INDUSTRY....they make tool look like nirvana.........

Thanks, rebirth. But I's ain't no brain. Just an insane bloke with a freaky memory (or maybe that's what a brain is?).
Any-hoo, can you send I more info on Thought Industry? They sound interesting the way you discribed them.
And to Tee: if ya'll want to really get into Tool, The Pimp recommends going back and listening to Aenema or Undertow just to get a feel for them.
The Pimp NeonBlack
Originally posted by PoisnGodMachine
oh and yeah it's spiral not circle

fibbinachi's sequence graphed produces the golden spiral

You're right there, PGM!
Fibbinachi got the idea for his sequence by noting the spirl pattern in the centre of a sunflower in his garden (or some such place) and began to ponder why that patterned formed thus in nature. And hey presto, he came up with the formulae of the now famous Fibbinachi sequence! :headbang:
*historical note: Fibbinachi did not think it up tha quickly. It probably took him a tad bit longer*
The Pimp NeonBlack