Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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I am listening to LETHAL/POISON SEED right now through windows media and clicked on album info. and artist info. and there was a release in 1994 called Maza by LETHAL. Is this the some LETHAL that released Programmed, Poison Seed, Arrival, Your Favorite God? I am asking this because I think this "Maza" album is from another band called Lethal because there are Spanish song titles and a song called Mike Tyson and one called The Beer Song. The Lethal I know are from Kentucky (U.S.A.) and seem to be more serious than having songs called Mike Tyson and The Beer Song. If anyone has any info please let me know.

P.S. I asked awhile back if anyone knew what songs are on the Arrival Demo also. But I can't remember if anyone replied because I haven't looked at the board in a few days.

Hey Zanex,
Lethal didn't release that album that I know of.
The Arrival demo has four songs on it,I do believe. I have it on tape at home but I have not listened to it for some time. I can check for you and get back to you but I do know there is a different version of Arrival on it. I also got a copy of Your Favorite God with an extra song on it that they did with Pat O'brien. Lethal is awesome, one of my favorite groups besides Nevermore of course, it sucks they they are not together anymore...
Can you believe that they could not find a company to sign a contract with? And those bloody companies make contracts with so many shitty bands. They would not offer one to Lethal. Music industry fucking sux, even though we make it stronger...
Thanks for the information Love Angel. My version of Your Favorite God doesn't have the song with Pat O' Brien, it only has 5 songs. Also, could you please get back with regarding the songs on Arrival? Take Care. LETHAL was a great band and I guess like metalized said, the record company and music industry are missing out.
Zanex, I was the one that metioned the arrival ep before. The song list is 1. land of the free 2. just before dawn 3. arrival 4. tomorrow's king. Like I metioned before, Tom Malicoat's singing is just incredible! You aren't missing much with the bonus track from Your Favorite God. It can be ordered through century media. I was lucky enough to find the ep on ebay. If you would like a copy let me know......
Thanks for the info beyondwithin. I might try watching e-Bay for the Arrival. When you mention "EP" can be ordered from CENTURY MEDIA do you mean "Arrival" or "Your Favorite God"? I want Arrival. I would like to hear the sonng with Pat O'Brien but w am more interested in "Arrival". Thanks again.