Help needed!! ADDA converter or something like it...


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
Ok here's the deal..
I really want the 2 extra channels on my MOTU1224 that are still there waiting for me to be used...
They are AES/EBU inputs, and to be exact...they're there are 2 :)..
Anyway...possible options...
The MINDPRINT AN-DI PRO or a DBX 386 are available to me to be connected to it...
Now, I have experience with the DBX 386 ony not the Mindprint...
Also what goes on is that I have a SPL Goldmike within handreach to buy for a rather good price!?! But then I'd need a converter that converts it to AES/EBU..any ideas what I can use for that?

I can really use some help on this...thanks!!! :erk: