
New Metal Member
Feb 15, 2006
I'm so determined to pre-order a copy of the CD and get a signed copy, but the credit card company is being a real pain in the ass and keeps producing an error every time I try to order this. Can anyone help? :hotjump:
I'm getting the same problem! Also there isnt enough space for a British postcode!!

Could somebody please help!! :erk:
I couldn't stand the tention. So I got a swedish friend to order it for me.

They need to sort out British customers too!! :p

Evergrey!! :headbang:
Where it says ZIP code there isn't enough room for a British postcode, so I think I'll be one of very few people with a signed copy of this new album! :D
I'm from the USA and also got the preorder to work. I wonder what the confirmation page said because it displayed in Swedish. Would someone be kind enough to translate the following?

Tack för din beställning, din order är nu emottagen och kommer att expideras. Har du frågor?

Mer Skivor (This was a button)

Med vänliga hälsningar

Bengans Skivbutik AB

Stäng! (This was also a button)

Thanks in advance!

Tack för din beställning, din order är nu emottagen och kommer att expideras. Har du frågor?

Thanks for your order. Your order has now been recieved and will be processed. Do you have questions?

Mer Skivor (This was a button)
More records

Med vänliga hälsningar
With best regards

Bengans Skivbutik AB
The record joint of Bengan LTD

Stäng! (This was also a button)

Thanks in advance!
Ingen orsak

Thanks, Peza! Just wanted to make sure I didn't need to click anything else to get the CD! Can't wait for April 4 to get here!

I am in England - I placed an order and got confirmation (84 of 100) - I noticed the postcode issue and just e-mailed the company back with my full postcode - I sent the e-mail to the address at the top of the order confirmation e-mail. I hope it works!!!
I got like number 23 or something, Its just gone over 100 though. Glad they sorted the English customers!

Originally I put in the "Phone" field:

So I was hoping that might help... but no. I'm happy anyway!! :D
Thats cool they are doing this. I loved the idea when SYL did it, and conveniently enough, I was one of the first 100 orders placed and I got a signed copy. Didnt do it for Evergrey's though, just found out about it yesterday. But Ill leave it up to more dedicated Evergrey fans, because although I love Evergrey, they probably arent in my top 5 (sorry guys), and more deserving fans should have this. But SYL is in my top 5 (more like top 3-way-tie), so I made sure to get a signed copy.

Congrats to the people who got one, a very cool collectors item indeed!
it said they are going to ship it on april 4th....does this mean I have to wait extra to hear it? I wish they would ship it and make it arrive on april 4th
Hi Guys, I don't know if it helps, but I just had confirmation from the mail order company that they have altered my postcode so it is now correct. Therefore, if anyone else ordered a CD and had problems with the postcode, I urge you to e-mail the mailorder company with your correct address and they should sort it out for you. They were very helpful to me! Rock on!