Help! "Screamer" can't scream!

Oct 10, 2009
saint louis
i'm currently working with a band who's screamer has a super weak scream. dude barely moves any air. it's total "fake" screaming...for lack of a better word. i cannot, for the life of me, get the track to sound good. i've only recorded a handful of bands and was lucky enough to never have run into this problem so i'm not sure what kinda of post-tracking remedies exist. i've been playing with compression, eq and a sansamp plugin but can't seem to get the vocals to where they need to be. i'll post a clip tomorrow but do you guys have any general advice until then? are there any "go-to" plugins for this type of application or anything?

help is greatly appreciated. i'm steady polishing a turd over here.
I agree with Joey on this one... You're in a shit situation.. we've all been there at some point I'm sure.. make him track a few times, and make sure it's tight!

That's all and good compression!
Record him really close in a very quiet room with a condenser mic and compress it till you get each of is syllables to pump just a tad.
Then paralel compress the shit out of him till you get a nice sustain but still hear those hit on every syllables.
Then raise that fader high and mix everything in correlation to his voice.
A duplicate of that final vocal track on wich you high pass up to 16khz only to get more air around is voice could help him get more upfront and on top of the mix.
You could even put a chorus or a really short stereo delay on that track to make the air section spread in the stereo image and make it really stand out.
Again I can't give an accurate trick since I didn't hear him yet.
Ive been in this situation actually a couple times. Usually im able to push a scream out of them. Its not easy tho because people who scream like this are usually EXTREME pussies. If they dont scream right I dont press record. Be strict lay down the line. Because in the long run SHIT IN SHIT OUT.

Edit: haha This is in one of my blogs on my myspace actually:
Bring Throat spay if your voice gets sore fast.
Try memorizing your lyrics, it usually sounds better than some one reading them.
Usually doing your parts in sections will make it sound better.
Try doing your Singing and Screaming on different takes, same applies for Highs and Low screams.
For some reason some of you "singers" and "screamers" think that this whispering sing or scream is going to cut it........that is fucking ridiculous........You need to be LOUD!
If your band does inhales please do them sparsely.....maybe doing none at all would be an even better idea. Because inhales are LAME. And so is whisper screaming. IF YOUR SCREAM DOESNT HURT MY EARS WHEN WERE IN THE SAME ROOM.....Then sadly you need to either learn how to do it right or start learning a instrument.
Thats it.
it's a bit late but here's the song: 3-3-10.mp3

ps, i hate this whole mix already. joey / brian / whoever: if any of you want to let adude come observe how the fuck you do what you do, hit me up. i need some real world experience. i'll bring the smokes and coffee. :)

the mix has too much low end. I tried this simple fix, it helped the situation somehow, but it's better to do that stuff to separate tracks:

* drop level -6dB to get headroom
* 1 band EQ: -5dB @ 300hz lowshelf
* Waves Renessaince Vox, middle fader to -10
* Normalize to -0.3dB
Ive been in this situation actually a couple times. Usually im able to push a scream out of them. Its not easy tho because people who scream like this are usually EXTREME pussies. If they dont scream right I dont press record. Be strict lay down the line. Because in the long run SHIT IN SHIT OUT.

Edit: haha This is in one of my blogs on my myspace actually:
Bring Throat spay if your voice gets sore fast.
Try memorizing your lyrics, it usually sounds better than some one reading them.
Usually doing your parts in sections will make it sound better.
Try doing your Singing and Screaming on different takes, same applies for Highs and Low screams.
For some reason some of you "singers" and "screamers" think that this whispering sing or scream is going to cut it........that is fucking ridiculous........You need to be LOUD!
If your band does inhales please do them sparsely.....maybe doing none at all would be an even better idea. Because inhales are LAME. And so is whisper screaming. IF YOUR SCREAM DOESNT HURT MY EARS WHEN WERE IN THE SAME ROOM.....Then sadly you need to either learn how to do it right or start learning a instrument.
Thats it.

lol dude, i think thats quite extreme, but maybe a pussy singer doesnt understand other words :goggly:
dude u havent done a bad job at all with those vocals, i know exactly what u mean with the quiet screams
what uve done with them is about the best u could make them sound probably, the vocals have ended up sounding like winds of plague. everything else sounds immense. especially the clean part